8 | i'm looking for someone who asked

Comincia dall'inizio

He just shakes his head, walking away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Maddy asks George, as he approaches the nurse's station where she was sitting.

"Hiding." He answers. "There's this VIP patient, he likes me."

"Well, that's good, right?" Alex walks up, filling out a chart.

"He likes me likes me." George clarifies.

"Go for it, man, get yours. I'm down with the rainbow." Alex tells him, and by the look on George's face he adds. "Oh. Are you not gay?"

Maddison chuckles.

"No." George tells him, stunned.

"Really?" Alex asks, amused. "Dude, sorry."

He walks away, and George turns to Maddison.

"Do I-" He was about to ask.

"I'm not answering that." Maddison cuts him off.

"Wh-What, why?" George asks, offended.

"Because it's more fun this way." Maddison smirks as Cristina and Izzie walk up to them.

"How you doing, Muffin?" Cristina asks Maddison.

"Hot as hell, Cupcake." Maddison answers, and George looks at them weird, making Izzie shake her head.

"It's these weird nicknames they made up with their initials." Izzie tells him, jokingly rolling her eyes.

"Cristina?" George says, offering her a disk.

She walks over and just as she was about to take it, he drops it on the table.

"Do you - do you think - does Meredith think I'm gay?" He stammers.

"Are you?" She asks, her face blank.

"No." He answers.

"Really?" She asks again, making Maddison laugh.

Her pager beeps and she looks at it, groaning.

"McStunning?" Cristina asks the girl.

"Yep." She replies, walking away.

MADDISON WAS SITTING at a table, having lunch in peace, when George sits down next to her.

"He just won't stop." George complains. "He just won't stop flirting with me."

Maddison drops her sandwich on the tray and looks around, making George furrow his eyebrows.

"What?" He questions. "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for someone who asked you to share your problems." Maddison deadpans, making George look at her offended.

"Why are you so mean?" He questions.

"Years of unresolved trauma." She replies, simply, as Meredith, Cristina and Izzie walk up to the table and stand in a line, staring at George.

maddison sloan  |  GREYS ANATOMYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora