Coincidence|chapter 16

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Nia pov

I was running errands bae was at the studio all day so I figured I go do some shopping since he gave me money and told me to go buy whatever I wanted so I did just that I was at the mall and I bought some really cute outfits and lingerie for him t...

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I was running errands bae was at the studio all day so I figured I go do some shopping since he gave me money and told me to go buy whatever I wanted so I did just that I was at the mall and I bought some really cute outfits and lingerie for him to see when he comes home tonight. I know he loves me he tells me all the time do I doubt it sometimes especially since he have a baby mama now but I know the love is there. And I'm trying my best to trust and encourage him instead of arguing because of my insecurities but my family don't approve but it's not there relationship to understand. I was at the mall minding my business and I seen kiesha at the mall with her friends she instantly seen me and started talking shit of course I could hear her say
"this bitch think she better then me when he's only dating her out of pity because he feels he abandoned the bitch!" I don't know what snapped in me this anger and this rage all I seen was black it's like I blanked out and I ran over to her and I started beating her ass  so badly I was punching her in her eyes and knocked her out! I blanked out and I felt bad after I whooped her ass I forgot she was pregnant and I felt so bad! The police was called and they took me to jail for beating up a pregnant woman I'm sitting in the back of a police car crying my eyes out and I'm feeling so embarrassed like how could she say something so hurtful I beat her up so bad her face was bleeding and in that moment it was just anger but what if she looses the baby?

Dave will never forgive me how stupid could I be to let anger get in the way!

I was sitting in jail and they gave me one phone call and the only person I wanted to call was Dave but I didn't know what to say...the phone ringed he picked up and he was angry at me he asked me why would I fight her? I told him what she said about me as I cried she triggered me I told him and all he said was that kiesha was in the hospital for injuries and told me I shouldn't of went down to her level I'm better then that and he was upset because she's pregnant and I could possibly made her miscarriage from the stress of beating her ass. And I'm just listening but I went blank again and I started yelling at Dave because he don't understand I didn't sign up for this bullshit I came back to New York to see him again and all he said was I shouldn't of left him in the first place I hurt him when I disappeared and I can't blame him I wasn't around.

And that shit hit deep because he's right I wasn't around, he had a life before me and I came back thinking he was just waiting on me and that's unrealistic....I feel so sad right now.
As I sat in my Cell thinking about life the officer came up to me being rude asking Me why would I hurt a pregnant woman and I told him that woman is evil and hateful don't let that fool him! He just laughed eating his donut... then hours later he told me I got bailed out so they opened my cell and released me told me I was going home.

My hair was all over my head and I had scratches all over my face as I walked out of that hell, I seen Dave standing outside the gate waiting for me I ran and hugged him he embraced me but told me he was upset still he just came to bail me out but he has to go see about kiesha she's in the hospital he want to make sure she is doing okay and this baby

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