Chapter 2

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Ducky's POV:

I was so sick of this heat, I woke up drenched in sweat even with six fans going and twelve frozen water bottle on me. I quickly got up and hopped into the shower turning it as cold as it would go. I didn't stay in long knowing my friends were going to want a shower too. I got my bag and started looking for something to wear. I settled on a green spaghetti straped bandana top, and some lose black shorts.

I then grabbed my stuff and existed the bathroom. As soon as I got out Hannah got in looking extremely hung over. Well that's what she gets for having four shots of fireball and a large glass of cherry moonshine last night. Though then again all of us got trashed. I sat at Holly's variety and did my eyeliner before braiding my ass length black hair.

"Morning," Holly said while yawning. I nod at her before going back to what I was doing. "Hey so Liam got us a gig," Holly said to me I waited for her to go on. "It's at that bar you know the on named No good Ideas." As soon as she said that our other friends Savanah, Mia, and Lulu shot up with wide eyes gleaming with happiness. That bar was famous and would get us a lot of recognition if we did well. It would as be our last gig before school starts back up.

They all were chatting a mile a minute as they got dressed. We talked about which songs to play, what we would wear, and of we were able to invite people if so who we would invite. Finally after a long ass hour and a half we were ready. We walked down the stairs and out the house. We didn't have to worry about parents as Holly lives on her own.

The rest of the girls called their parents. I didn't bother calling aunt Reilly since she was still out of town or even Kitty since I would be seeing her soon. They were all quick with their calls and we headed out. We were going through our usual routine, meaning we started the day with the coffee shop. Other than that their was no routine.

As we entered the nice air conditioned Cafe I spotted my sister. I was quick to order a watermelon and mango smoothie and a Danish, before heading over to our usual sitting spot. Kitty quickly got up and sat down with me both our friend groups keeping their distance. My friends and her friends hated each other, they were only cordial because me and Kitty are twin sister and extremely close.

"Hey kitty how was your night," I asked. She spoke with her mouth full, "It was good I crashed at Zoey's, how was your night?" I couldn't help but want to give her a lie but decided to tell the truth. " All of us crashed at Holly's after we got drunk. Oh and before I forget do you wanna come to our gig tonight?" She smiled and texted her group chat. "Sorry Ducky can't were going to a party," she said and I could she hoe guilty she felt.

"It's fine Kitty, you should enjoy the last week of summer break just please be careful," I told her concerned. Megan then approached pur table, "Like your one to talk your always drinking or smoking pot," she seethe. I wanted to be mad but I couldn't she wasn't wrong I did drink, smoke pot, vape a lot of thing I shouldn't. "Doesn't mean I can't worry about my own sister doing the same."

Megan just rolled her eyes and sneered at me. "Enough Megan," Kitty lowly hissed out at her clearly on the verge of being pissed off. If there's one thing we don't let our friends do is disrespect each other. Megan was quick to back of but also said, "were about to head out just wanted to let you know." Kitty nodded at her before standing up and kissing my forehead, "love you hope you have a good day, bye," she said before walking out woth her friends.

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