Summer Bash Part 3

Start from the beginning

Two-bit told Darry how it was his idea and how he had planned everything. He also told him everything that happened at the party that lead up to us being arrested. I could see the fire in his eyes when Two was talking about the Brumleys showing up. He also said that he asked Tim to cover for us, but explained that he said no and made sure to tell Darry that it was out of respect for him. That calmed Darry down after he found out that Tim was involved. I don't think that he liked that Tim knew the plan and didn't tell him, but he also knew that Tim didn't want to get involved. Next, it was Dally's turn.

He basically just repeated everything that Two had said. I noticed how he left out the part about being dragged away from the fight at the party, but he did tell Darry how he attacked the cop and that was why he was chained up. After that, it was Steve's turn. Once again, the same things were said. When it was my turn, I also repeated the same version of events that took place last night.

Darry nodded his way through it and occasionally asked a question. "Alright, I think that I've heard enough. I understand everything that happened and now y'all are going to be punished. Dallas, Steven, Sodapop, go stand in a corner. You can pick where, but no talking. Dallas, don't roll your eyes at me. You are in enough trouble, so don't try to add to it. Keith, you will go first. Go get my belt from my closet and bring it to me." Darry said.

Two-bit's POV:

"Go get my belt from my closet and bring it to me." Darry said to me. I'm so nervous right now that my hands are shaking. I walked into his room to retrieve the god awful item. I was taking my time, but I hurried up when Darry yelled at me to, "stop delaying the inevitable." I came back and handed it to him. "Loose everything and bend over the back of the couch." He commanded.

I did as I was told and bent over. I grabbed a pillow for support. I know that I'm gonna be bawling by the end of this. I have known Darry since we were kids, so I have no shame around him. He came up behind me and placed a hand on my back. I tend to move around a lot, so he has to hold me in place. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and then I heard the whoosh and the smack before I felt the pain. When the pain hit me, it over took me like a tidal wave. It hurt so bad and it was just the first of many that are sure to fall. As he continued, I began to cry and beg. My apologies landed on deaf ears because Darry kept swinging. I didn't try to count and just focused on the pain. This went on for about five minutes of just smack after smack. I threw my hand back to stop him, but he grabbed it and my other hand, and held them to the middle of my back. He landed a few to my thighs and I screamed. As he went to finish, he tipped me forward, and focused on my sit spots. All I could do was cry. I felt so tired from the crying. I didn't even realize that he stopped. I was still crying a lot and he let my arms go.

"You can get up when you're ready." He said gently. I waited a couple of minutes before pushing myself up. Darry looked at me and smiled. He opened his arms and I rushed into them. We hugged for a minute until he pulled me away and lifted my chin to make me look at him. "Two, what you did was wrong. I hope that this is a lesson that we never have to repeat." He said. "Go switch places with Dal."

Dally's POV:

Shit. I am so screwed. Two-bit is tough and he was screaming. Two came over to switch with me and I started to walk over to the couch, but when I saw Darry, I panicked. I tried to run out the front door, but Darry caught me. "Please no! I can't do it! Let me go!" I yelled.

"Stop fighting me and behave." Darry sounded pissed. He tried to force me over the back of the couch, but he couldn't keep me still. I'm 6'2 and almost as big and strong as him. He is definitely stronger, but I was making it hard for him. I know that fighting him was stupid, but I was scared. I was scared about going back to jail, about losing everything and everyone that I loved again, about being alone. He brought me to the front of the couch and moved the coffee table away from us. I was still struggling to get free when he said, "Dallas, you have a choice. Either calm down and take your punishment or I'm going to have Steve and Soda come hold you down. What's it gonna be?"

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