What If Sam Winchester Never Left Stanford

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Requested by MrsCullen2021

Dean glanced back at Selina's sleeping form, sighing as he continued the long drive to Jericho, California. He had hoped that Sammy would have joined them, but looking through the window of Sam's apartment and seeing how happy he was with a blonde chick...he knew he couldn't risk dragging Sam's ass into the pits with him and Dad, even if he wanted Selina to meet his baby brother. Dean shook his head from the what-ifs and focused on the road ahead, and right now, it was trying to figure out what kind of trouble his father was in.


Selina stood silently as she watched the Doctors work on Dean's intubated body. She had tried calling Sam on Dean's mobile, but the operator kept saying the number was no longer in use. Selina wiped away her tears as John walked up wearing a sling on his arm.

"Where's the Colt?" John asked.

Selina scoffed bitterly. "Your son is dying, and you're worried about the Colt?!" she yelped when John grabbed her roughly, dragged her into an empty room, and held a scalpel to her throat.

"We're hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card and your shot at living,"

"The only reason I'm still alive is that Dean will start asking questions if I just up and disappear," Selina sassed, only to hiss as the blade got closer to her skin, nicking a bead of blood. "It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83,"

"Good girl," John said as he patted Selina's cheek, earning a growl from the girl. He turned to leave...but Selina had to have the final say.

"No wonder Sam didn't come back," Selina huffed.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Sam had the right idea, Dean thought he was running away from family, but he was only running away from you! Dean is dying, and all you care about is killing this demon more than you do saving your own son!"

"Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean,"

"How? How is revenge going to help him? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself,"

"I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake..."

"Except you didn't take me along. Dean did,"

"Well, then you better hope Dean makes it through,"


Selina struggled against the two demons holding her as John spoke to the Yellow-Eyed Demon.

"It's very unseemly," The Yellow-Eyed Demon noted, "making deals with devils. How do I know this isn't just another trick?"

"It's no trick," John reasoned. "I will give you the Colt, the bullet, and Selina, but you've got to help Dean. You've got to bring him back,"

The Yellow-Eyed Demon smirked as he walked over to Selina and brushed his hand against her cheek. "Why, John, you're a sentimentalist. If only your boys knew how much their daddy loved them,"

"It's a good trade." John said, "You care a hell of a lot more about this gun and the girl than you do Dean,"

The Yellow-Eyed Demon shrugged. "Don't be so sure. He killed some people very special to me. But still, you're right; he isn't much of a threat. And neither is your other son,"

Selina picked up on the wording and glared at the Demon. "What did you do?"

The Yellow-Eyed Demon smiled. "Johnny boy didn't tell you?"

John looked at the ground with guilt.

Selina frowned as she looked at John. "John...what's he talking about?"

"After you and Dean left little Sammy at Stanford, I paid him a little visit,"

Selina shook her head. "No..."

"I was hoping only to kill the girl...she reminded me so much of Mary. You Winchesters certainly have a type for blondes," The Yellow-Eyed Demon chuckled. "But he had to play the hero." he shrugged the story off as if it was just a minor occurrence. "My plan still works with or without him. Especially now that I have you, Selina,"

Selina scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, her mind whirring rapidly from the massive amount of information being revealed. "What?"

The Yellow-Eyed Demon turned towards John. "But you know the truth, right? About Selina?"

John glared over at Selina. "Yeah. I've known for a while,"

The Yellow-Eyed Demon smiled at Selina, his eyes twinkling with knowledge of the secret Selina did not know. "But you don't know, do you?"

Selina shook her head and looked the yellow-eyed demon square in the face. "The only thing I want to know is if you can bring Dean back or not?"

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