Chapter One: Miracle Girl

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The village has started to come to life by the rising sun off in the mountains. The birds started singing their morning songs as the sun had started to come to view. As the sun had started to rise from the blue and golden-streaked sky, the people of the small village had started to awakening and getting ready to start their day. The adults had started heading towards nearby stores or started heading towards work. The teenagers had started working their morning jobs or meeting up with each other in their favorite hangout spots and challenge each other to beybattles. While the kids had started helping their parents, playing with their older siblings, or watching the beybattles excitedly.
Within the village, the villagers speak of a strong girl Blader that has unnatural talent of beyblading and a powerful resonance with a gift of seeing what most people can't see. Due to the lack of electronics, they only have hard work, books, and beyblading. The new rookie legend had no idea that the villagers who'd spread rumors about her, as some sort of Legendary Blader.
She has devoted a lot of time to beyblade, because she enjoyed the challenge and her beloved partner. She has taught some of her cousins and the younger kids how to battle. It was great, watching herself improve and watching others improve.
Erika was the best in the village, nothing much. The village was small, everyone knew each other. She had attended Individual National Tournaments, but she accidentally sprained her left arm before the National Blader's Cup started up and spent her time recovering from her injury. The fact people thought so highly of her and she's practically the town's favorite — was very startling enough.
But walking through the town by herself was the rookie Blader and her name is Erika Alcazaba. She has fair skin that seemed more the result of traveling than a natural complexion, though there's a marking on her face: a blue shade zigzag mark on her left cheek. Her cobalt blue eyes resembled the sea and sparkled with spirited fire. Her blonde hair is long and wavy that reaches her shoulders. Erika was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt and light blue jeans folded at her white sneakers while her black sleeveless gloves and her belt appears to have her beyblade equipment and her beyblade.
She gotten out her bey from her pocket and smiled down her her bey proudly, Mythical Tempest Stormkicker-3. The bey is in the colors of blue, green, and gold that's like the colors from a thunderstorm.
"Lets practice Tempest," Erika said to her bey.
Tempest gleamed up at her, which made Erika smiled at her bey's determined excitement and agreement. She looked around and found a beylauncher that's accented with blue on the table. Erika looked around as she listened to the birdsong overhead as she started walking towards the field. Erika was humming to herself quietly as she walked down a trail with a calm, but determined smile when she had arrived to the beystadium in the clearing.
She wants some beylaunching practice by herself before she faces off anyone. Erika doesn't want to take any chances with any powerful Bladers, like Lui Shirosagi or Valt Aoi. She closed her eyes as she thought about the launching her bey in specific spot and wants to see what happens if she does.
"Three!" Her hair was streaked with blue. "Two!" Erika's eyes started to glow electric gold. "One! Let it rip!" Erika lifted her right leg slightly as she released her bey into the stadium, her launcher flashing deep blue.
Tempest had hit the stadium hard and started zooming around in the stadium in a deep blue light tailing behind it. She smiled at the astonishing speed that Tempest is performing and the speed she's showing as Tempest bounced against the stadium. Erika was startled to see golden sparks coming from behind Tempest after she had hit the stadium. She felt sweat coming down from her brow as if she was having a ten miled run, it felt as if she's one with Tempest and was zooming around in the stadium. But Erika smiled at the sight of it, she admires the way her bey lights up and powers through the stadium. It's almost like Tempest has the power of thunder and the speed of lightning built in her as well as the strength and courage of a dragon, which always makes Erika proud of her bey.
"Keep going Tempest!" called out Erika. 
Tempest zoomed in the stadium in good speed, but Ari knew she could do better. Tempest hit the stadium walls a few times, causing some electric sparks to fly out behind Tempest's and continued zooming around the stadium with electric sparks flying behind it, almost like Valtryek during a Rush Launch or something. But that didn't stop Tempest, it continued zooming around the stadium as fast as it can. 
"Not too bad." Erika looked down at her launcher with a smile, but she glanced at her launcher uncertainly. "I probably moved my hand a bit too much and it sort of tipped off my launch." Erika watched as Tempest zoomed around excitedly in the stadium and smiled at her bey as it showed its strength and speed in the stadium.
She wants some beyblading practice by herself before she faces off anyone. Erika doesn't want to take any chances with any powerful Bladers, like Lui Shirosagi or Valt Aoi. She had also joined in some district tournaments and had won a good deal, she had also won first place in the National Tournament.
As she continued watching her bey zoomed around in the stadium, she remembered Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai. Erika had heard that Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai are both best of friends, but Shu was beaten by Lui Shirosagi for the second time and with Storm Spryzen destroyed by Lúinor during the National Tournament. Valt has became the runner-up in the tournament and won second place in the competition, but he gained enormous popularity due to his incredible performances in the competitions. Erika has caught wind that Valt individual world rankings and BC Sol is rising through the world rankings and Valt seems to be in sync with his evolving bey, Valtryek. Erika has admired his way of beyblading and became fascinated by the sport altogether. Though, Shu is part of the Raging Bulls and is probably on a training journey to become stronger. But Valt had knocked some sense into Shu during the International Blader's Cup.
Valt Aoi is the reason why I had started beyblading in the first place, thought Erika with a smile. I've made Tempest after I've seen how much fun and intense it is when he went head to head against Lui Shirosagi.
Erika smiled as she remembered building Mythical Tempest after she had seen Valt's incredible performance against Lui Shirosagi on TV.
As Erika started building her new bey, she started using different machines in the workshop. In the next few hours, she had finished the Chassis and the driver for her bey, but now it was time for Erika to put the finishing touches on the layer for her bey. She soon approached the 3-D printer and started printing her bey from the pictures she had sent it through the computer. She had heard many legends and stories about the dragon from her mom: the legendary dragon can cause its rain to nurture the earth and drowse fires, lightning flashes from its scales and light up the dark sky, and the beating of its wings represent the rolling of thunder that can rumble over the land. It can bring life and light as well as rain and lightning over the land. Unlike some kids, Erika actually enjoys watching thunderstorms from her bedroom window. The booming of thunder, the flashing of lightning, and downpour of rain excites her.
"Tempest," said Erika with a smile. "We're going train super hard and become legendary." Once her bey was finished being made, Erika put the pieces of her bey together with a smile and looked at as she said to it, "I can't wait to see what we can do together."
Erika smiled as Tempest gleamed up at her, as if her bey was agreeing with her.
Erika shook her head to regain her focus and noticed that her bey has stopped zooming around in the center of the stadium. She bent down and picked up her bey from the stadium with a tired smile.
"I'm going to live up to my promise to you," Erika said to Tempest.
Tempest gleamed from the palm of her right hand and Erika's blue eyes flashed electric gold, while the wind blew through her hair.

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