The Knock.

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He needed to get himself together, clear his face up and hide the blotchy tear stains that danced down his cheeks. Just as he began to make his way to his small bathroom connected to his dorm, a loud knock at his door stopped him in his tracks. Did someone come to check on him? Of course not, why would they? But if they did, that means they're worrying about him, just one more burden he would have to carry upon those shoulders of his.

He planned to ignore it, but the knocks at the door kept getting louder and more prominent, whoever standing behind that door growing more impatient with each passing second.

"Oi crappy hair! Open the door before I kick the damn thing down!"

The blood fled from his face as he recognised the voice of him.
Bakugo can't see him like this! If his chances of his feelings being returned were already at zero then they would somehow drop even lower if Bakugo saw him like this, all weak and pathetic.

Thumping once more at the door, the raspy voice of Bakugo shouted through the door once again.

"I mean it! Open the goddamn door!"

Composing himself to the best of his ability, Kirishima, the "crappy hair" in question, took in a deep breath and tried his best to gulp down the lump in his throat and ignore the anxious feeling building inside of him as he walked towards the door. With an incredibly shaky hand, Kirishima slid open the lock and swung the door open, hoping luck was on his side and his face wasn't all red, tear stained and blotchy.

Seems like luck wasn't on his side.

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