"I'm finna come help you, i'm bored."


I hung up and the music started back. Instead of continuing to work, I just sat on my phone to wait for her. Bey still hadn't said anything so I just left her alone. She'll talk when she's ready.

About ten minutes later Redd came and I went
to get her. She was already with the shit. Should've left her ass outside.

"Straight to work bitch no playing."

"Hey superstar." She spoke to Bey and got a head nod in return. I don't know what her issue is. Just popped up and still haven't gotten a peep out of her. "So what we doing?"

"Sticking addresses on the packages. I'm working on this website and then I need to see about this warehouse." I sat down and went back to my computer while she did that.

She's my most supportive friend right now. Like she's been there during some hard ass times, I could never let Redd go. I would be stressed the hell out if she hadn't have came into my life.

I had the music off now and we were just sitting in comfortable silence. My focus was taken 100%. Today is just one of those days for sure.

It was a long while until Redd was finished.

"So guess what?"

"What?" I glanced at her from what I was doing. She stood behind me placing her hands on my shoulders. Here we go. It's about to be some shit. "What is it?"

"So you know how you said G wasn't trying to talk to Doja?"

"Yea, that's what he told me."

"Wellllll, he lied to you. Bitch they been texting."

"Bitch how you know?"

We haven't even seen Doja since the club. Plus she has a child so I never press the issue about not seeing her for some time. It's just been a week.

"Sooo I may or may not have been making her think i'm on her side. And she's been sending me their messages and shit. Bitch they talking about fucking."

My face scrunched but I didn't show too much. I don't need Beyoncé trying to get me. Not that I just care so much, it's the fact that that's my friend. And I know he doesn't like her for real. He's playing with his life trying to mess with her. The bitch baby daddy is insane. Seriously.

"Mm. She still haven't told me about the first incident."

"Both them bitches is weird Onika im telling you. Just let me get 'em please."

"No. There's better ways than putting your hands on people, sexy."

She rolled her eyes sitting on the floor. This whole room is full of pink rugs to the point where you can't see the floor. I hate hard floor. And there's fluffy pillows as well as fluffy chairs for sitting. It took me a minute to do this room but i'm very happy with it. There's just boxes and shit everywhere.

That's why i'm going into a warehouse. It's needed.

"I hate a peaceful bitch."

"Shut up Janae."

"Oh you bitch! I know you did not just call me that! Now i'm not sitting in here with you. Bye, i'm going to your room." She dramatically got up and left out. Crazy ass. Every time I call her by her real name she get offended. Oh well.

"Beyoncé talk to me." I finally turned to her and she was already staring at me. It's clear that she's folded already which is why she's here. But she doesn't know how to approach the situation. "It's been three days and now you decide you wanna come by."

"Because I wanna talk to you, and I miss you." She pouted some and I went to her. Straddling her lap as she sat on the little couch. Her arms went around my waist and she laid in my chest. "I'm sorry."

"Don't just apologize. Tell me why."

She shrugged and I made her look at me.

"I don't know why, I just want this over with."

"No. Tell me how you feel."

"Upset. You told me you were about to go fuck someone else....I didn't like that."

"Ok but do you realize why I said that? One I was super drunk and super horny. You didn't even acknowledge me the whole night. Like you acted as if you were embarrassed of me."

"I wasn't..there were just a lot of blogs around and that's not how I want the world to find out about you. I didn't mean to be an asshole."

I smoothed her loose hairs back into her ponytail and kissed her forehead.

"Bey you were really doing me wrong. You could've told me this and I would've understood. But you wanted to be dumb."

"I'm sorry. I don't want you fucking no one else."

"I'm not fucking anyone else."

"You were about to if I didn't stop you."

"That's drunk Nika, I don't control her." I joked. I'm really myself when i'm drunk, I just don't give a fuck about what others think. It's like i'm a free spirit and being judged doesn't even cross my mind. It's fuck the world. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for telling you that I was about to go get fucked. Alright?"

"And i'm sorry for making you feel like an embarrassment to me. You're not."

I nodded before kissing her lips and she held my butt. Little horny baby, that's probably why she had to fold. That thing in her pants wouldn't allow her to stay sane. I started grinding on her and she groaned.

I'm about to fuck her right here.

She put me on the floor and hovered over me. Glad I didn't even have to say anything to her. It's just the vibe. She pulled my shorts off and took her pants off. I just laid there and watched before she went down between my legs.

It felt so good, I missed her so much. After that fucking she gave me i've been craving her. But I wasn't about to fold for some dick. I'll stick to my toys if it get that serious.

She came back up to kiss me and I pulled her from her underwear. It all went so fast, she was inside me in no time. I moaned out as she touched my spot while sucking my neck.

I'm so sure Redd heard that.

Beyoncé wrapped her hands around my throat and I whimpered. Her pace was quickening making our skin smack. I didn't even try to run.

I went in the bathroom connected to this room and started to wipe my face with the towel. That was a good little moment. I'm refreshed now and happy that we talked things out. Because lord knows I wasn't about to kiss her ass.

"What you gotta do today?" I walked back in the room and she shook her head letting me wipe her off. She pulled her sweats up and I went to put the towel in the dirty clothes. When I opened the door, I peeked out.

Redd is still here because I hear the tv going. I went to my room seeing her on my bed like it's hers. Just stretched out.

"I know them better not be no clothes you've been in all day."

"Shut up lil slut. And no it's not, I been in the house all day and I showered before I even came."

"Good bitch." I put the towel away. Beyoncé came in the room next making a cringe face. It was funny because i'm sure she forgot Redd was even here.

"Dammnnn. My bad Redd."

"Whatever. It's not the first time I heard this bitch fucking."

Oh my gosh. I facepalmed and huffed. Why would she say that? Knowing the person she's heard me fuck previously wasn't Beyonce. Like be smarter.

"Oh shit. My bad superstar."

"Quit calling her that." I shook my head. She just talking and need to keep quiet for a bit. Her unfiltered personality is gonna get a bitch in trouble.

"She ain't got a problem with it."

"Whatever Redd."

Don't even wanna argue with her.

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