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Be careful with Tyler.

The driver pulls us in front of the airport terminal and Dash's words are on replay in my head. I'm not exactly doing a fine job of heeding his warning, either. I challenged Tyler about creating a chaperoned environment for the trip and did so while he was in my bedroom. If that didn't say, get me naked and lie on the bed with me, I don't know what did. And that was not what I was thinking. Mostly. I thought about it, of course, I did but I was also thinking—this is awkward. We are so awkward, and I don't like how it feels. We will never be the same

I knew we were forbidden. As Tyler said, I knew there were consequences.

And what did I do? Moan, sigh, and orgasm, right there in his office.

All that aside, his reply when I asked him if everything was okay after he'd ended his call is driving me crazy.

That depends on you, Bella.

What the heck does that even mean?

Obviously, he'd been speaking on a personal level. He'd made that clear, but even so, he's still allowed for interpretation, and broadly, at that.

For instance: things are okay if I choose to sleep with him?

Or perhaps: things are not okay right now at all, because I can't control the obvious "hot for him" vibes I'm throwing his direction.

That second thought is jolting, and rather nauseating, too.

So much so that when Tyler opens his door on the sidewalk side of the airport, I'm not about to follow him to exit. I reach for my own door and pop the lock to crack the door. Tyler shocks me by catching my arm. "What are you doing? You're going to get hit by a car."

The only thing I'm doing right now is burning alive with his touch. "I'm fine," I say.

His eyes narrow on me and he says, "Don't run, Bella."

"I thought that's exactly what you suggested I do?"

"But I knew you wouldn't. Don't start now. Shut the door."

But he knew I wouldn't?

I've never been more confused in my life, but I do as he suggests, because exiting into traffic isn't exactly smart. I shut the door. Tyler studies me a moment, almost as if he's gauging my commitment to leaving my door shut, seconds ticking by before his hand slides away from my arm. How insane it is that I wish he'd held onto me? What is going on with me and this man?

Tyler exits the vehicle and I hesitate only a moment before I slide his direction. When I reach the edge of the high seat, Tyler offers me his hand, his eyes hooded, but I can feel his attention. This feels like a test, and I don't like tests, especially when I think I might fail. I don't enjoy that kind of negative life experience. I ignore his hand and jump out of the SUV. I don't miss the little smirk this creates on Tyler's handsome face, that almost reads like satisfaction, as if this is what he expected of me. What I know for sure though is that I'm not sure about anything with this man. Right now, I'm overthinking everything with Tyler.

I need to just stop with him.

That's my answer.


I can almost hear the universe laughing at me.

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