How the Story Would Have Gone

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Hello everyone!! As you know, this book is (sadly) discontinued. I want to give you all a brief description of what would have happened :)

With the slashers in tow, you would have started a somewhat normal life in an apartment building (most of your strange friends would stay behind in the warehouse, where you would occasionally visit). For three strong months you would have been happy— Danny would make progress both in his health and with your relationship, and you would grow closer to Michael as well. The three of you would be tangled in a complicated situationship by the time the police discovered your hideout, and you all had to flee again.

This time, Hannibal proposes a more extreme case of escape; you all go to Hawaii to live in your late parents vacation home!!! During your escape your group and the group in the warehouse would be separated, so the travel would be made with only a few friends to keep you company. When you make it to Hawaii, there's a gruelling week where you aren't sure if they'll make it. One evening, in the dead of night, however, your door is flung open and there they all are >:) Id have a good chunk of the remaining story dedicated to relationships and happiness, and the book would end with you, Michael and Danny entering an official relationship together now that you were all safe and sound. You organize other emergency escape plans, but don't have to use them for a long, long time <3

My finale chapter would be a Christmas one. Everyone you've met would be there, basking in your glory and swimming in the Hawaii heat. You all live happily ever after <333

Feel free to ask any questions you had about the story. I'll answer them all honestly, now!!

The Opposite of Innocent | A Sequel to Unexpected Roommates [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now