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"How long does it take you to get ready?!" Came the pained and bored voice of Cameron who was sleeping on Thea's bed all dressed up and looking at the ceiling of her room

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"How long does it take you to get ready?!" Came the pained and bored voice of Cameron who was sleeping on Thea's bed all dressed up and looking at the ceiling of her room.

"I need time to look not dead Cameron not everyone can have natural good beauty," Thea shouted from her bathroom. She was in the process of curling her hair with the muggle device all dressed up with her family Lockett hanging off her neck.

"I told you ugly can't be fixed personalities can," Cameron said Thea snorted rolling her eyes. "It's the opposite Cammy." She said chuckling and getting out of her bathroom.

"How do I look?" She said Cameron who opened his mouth to say something immediately let his mouth hang open as he stared at his best friend dressed all pretty.

Thea giggled at his reaction twirling around in her place. "Oh my god. Drop-dead gorgeous and stunning! Who are you?!" Cameron exclaimed hugging her.

Thea laughed at his terrible joke. "Probably some evil doppelgänger." Cameron chuckled at her response pulling away and staring at his best friend in awe. "You seriously look wonderful Thea." He kissed her forehead whispering Happy birthday.

"Now let's go downstairs everyone is waiting for you." He said getting out of her room and screaming "The birthday girl is coming" as he ran down the stairs. Thea muffled her laughter abandoning her room.

She quietly laughed as everyone in the room was busy with their own talks.

The only person who seemed to have attention on her was James as he eagerly waited for his best friend to open his gift.

His mouth hung open as he stared at her. She looked beautiful.

Her short black dress which reached above her knees with the sweetheart neckline which showed a little cleavage drove James crazy. Her family Lockett which she always wore added charm to her look.

He didn't know that his best friend was this pretty. And lately, after a fight with Lily, James has started to notice the small details of his best friend and how pretty she is.

He walked to her with a small smile his present in his hand. "Happy Birthday, birthday girl."
He said hugging Thea. Thea chuckled hugging him back and taking the present from him.
"Thank you, Jamie." She said her cheeks were on fire when James kissed her cheek.

"Aw look at my beautiful daughter. Darling, you are growing up so quickly." Emmeline said as she hugged her daughter. "I cannot believe you still look like a homeless, Thea." Thaddeus her father said with a small smile on his face. His eyes were watering.

"Wow thank you for the compliment Dad." Thea chuckled knowing her father was joking. She happily received everyone's present and kept them aside.

"Who are we waiting for again?" Cameron asked. "We are waiting for Sirius. He said he would sneak out for me." Thea said sending a cheeky smile and wink towards Remus who embarrassedly looked down.

She was happy that Lily wasn't here she didn't want her either. A big fight broke out between James and Lily after James and Thea had their small cookie cake.

So Lily fled to her home to get away from her boyfriend. And Thea was happy that she did. She wanted to spend her special day with her closest ones.

"Okay, you guys enjoy and take care of our Thea here. We need to get going." Said Emmeline and the two Travers fled away from their home to their job.

Nicolas and Lillian said goodbye to Thea as the two went out for a date. Which left James, Peter, Cameron, and Remus with her.

"Where do you guys want to go? I was thinking about this restaurant in London it's a bit fancy and perfect for a little birthday drink." Thea said with a cheeky smile.

Before she could continue anymore a loud thud at the fireplace took their attention. Smiling she went to greet her friend.

Thea gasped loudly as she saw the bruised body of Sirius. "Sirius!" She yelled helping the boy to get to his feet. James helped to carry the boy on the couch.

Giving him a glass of water Thea worriedly looked at her friend. "Oh my Merlin what happened Paddy?" She questioned removing his long hair from his face as Remus held his lover's hand.

"It was them wasn't it?" Cameron asked angrily and Sirius weakly nodded wincing in pain. "They did this to you," Thea whispered letting out a shaky breath.

"I am going to kill them," James said in anger getting up both Remus and Thea made him sit by sending a threatening glare.

"Violence is not the answer James plus he needs all of us right now," Thea said her eyes glossing with tears as she watched Sirius fall asleep.

"What happened?" Remus said with a shaky voice. "His family was getting bad. Too bad, I always said he could stay with us but no he is the stubborn padfoot." James said letting out a bitter laugh.

"I told him he could stay with me. And now look at him. I couldn't protect him." James said wiping his tears away. Remus shook his head angry that Sirius hadn't let him know more.

Thea sat there silently caressing Sirius's hair. "It's not your fault James you could not have changed it," Peter said his hands in fits of anger bubbling inside him.

"Peter is right James. You could not have changed it no matter what. If it is bound to happen it will." Cameron said his arms folded as he stared in sadness at his friend.

"I am calling my mom. The injuries don't seem bad hopefully he will recover soon." Thea said getting up to call her mother.

"Mom I need you." And in a few moments, Emmeline came rushing inside the house. With one look towards Sirius, she kicked all the teenagers out of the hall and tended to him.

The five stood in Thea's room all tensed and worried not knowing what to do or say. They only prayed for their friend to be safe.

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