Chapter V | The First Companion

Start from the beginning

"Sorry princess-I mean-Galena, I am Toivo, Toivo Rospher" he answered as he gave a small smile.

Toivo, the boy, looked at me with a disappointed look, "And may I know who is she? A maiden?" he painfully asked Galena.

"Oh! She isn't a maiden!", Galena laughed, "She is the Younger Sunrise Sister."

"What?!" He yelped, "She is?" He paused, looking at me with utter fright, "Well, are you-are you sure about it?".

"Yes," She answered.

"How is she going to defeat Gregory?"

Galena and I looked at each other nervously, perhaps the same question haunting our minds.

What should we tell him?

I cleared my throat and collected all courage I could find to get ready to confess the truth because Galena had done enough for me. "I am terribly sorry, but we don't really know that part-or any part really, but... there must be something, somehow through which we would be able to save this place-there must be a reason that Queen Adela saw the prophecy in which I and my sister would be the ones to save this land. So, don't lose hope in us, please." I reassured.

He gave me a hard stern look, making me think that perhaps I have really messed up and he would not accept me and they would just simply abandon me, but all these intrusive thoughts disappeared in a snap when he said "I would never lose hope in you, or any possibility of greater good. I have taken the Sunrise Sisters and the princess as a source of hope for the freedom of Mikellar-I have taken you all as heroes, I don't think such boulders would stop me or any true Mikellarian from gaining their freedom. And anyway, it's a quest, a rebellion, a revolt, it wouldn't be easy for sure."

The harsh and suffocating weight which clouded our minds disappeared into thin air and we sighed out of relief.

"Thank you!" Galena extolled, "I thought everyone have lost hope in us and that we would not be able to do this but you showed that Mikellarian like you still exist."

"Thanks, your highness. So, could I help and perhaps be your companion in the quest?" he eagerly asked.

Galena and I looked at each other with a smile on our face "Sure!" we said in unison.

"So, what should the first step be?" I asked them both.

"We shouldn't plan that here anyone could possibly eavesdrop on us. If you wish for a more secure place, then we could plan it at my burrow?" Toivo suggested.

"Uh...You live in a burrow?" I asked.

"Well...It's not exactly like a rabbit burrow, it's more spacious and comfier, more like a real home. But it does have a structure similar to a burrow." He explained.

We agreed and began following him through the forest of the lanky and half-dead trees towards his 'burrow'.

"Do you stay in your burrow all alone?" Galena questioned out of curiosity.

"I am sorry, but it's better if we don't question that either, you never know where his spies or fools come wandering from", He gave us an apologetic smile and we smiled back in reassurance.

After some more steps and turns, Toivo finally stopped in front of a tree, He knocked thrice on the trunk. For a moment nothing happened until the ground beneath our feet shifted open and we went falling and screaming down.

We landed on a huge fluffy pillow, the size of my bed, and some of its stuffing feathers came flying out. Toivo got off and stuffed the feathers back in through some unstitched holes.

Galena hopped down excitedly as she looked around with me following behind her. We were perhaps in the living room of the burrow-a living...hole, perhaps? No, that doesn't sound right. Some tiny wooden houses looking similar to birdhouses were on some of the areas of the wooden walls, wax candles on the bookshelves and tables lit up the room with their golden shines, and an appetizing smell filled the air and caught my attention.

I sniffed and followed the smell with my nose leading the way, around the dining table and through an arched wooden gate which made me end up in the kitchen. The smell seemed to slither from a pot on the countertop. I began wondering what could be inside as I slowly approached it but my thoughts snapped apart as a strangely loud barking sound alarmed the whole house.

I quickly ran back into the living room to find a gigantic big dog-not a dog as it resembled more of a wolf-an extremely fluffy wolf with golden hair-the kind which makes you want to squeeze it to death.

"Calm down Flubber! We don't want to startle our new guests!" Toivo gushed to the giant dog, grabbing a huge tennis ball off the shelf and throwing it toward a corner of the room.

The colossal dog cantered and leaped towards it, and started to play with it, making one of the wooden chairs fall with a loud bang which in turn made the vexerbud wake up, which was curled up on the tabletop, quickly hide in the Galena's lap, who chuckled and stroked it to comfort.

"Sorry for that. This is Flubber," Toivo introduced the dog, "I rescued him when he was being hunted by Greg's soldiers and since then he has been living with me."

"No problem, animals are animals-can't expect them to act like a gentleman" I joked, "But, What sort of dog is he? I have never seen such a big dog before." I questioned.

"He's a Wolfur-they don't do any harm to humans-they just love to have fun-but humans are weary creatures-so polite and fancy-unfortunately-the top mammal in the leading chain, so not many like these sorts of creatures' presence," he replied.

I nodded and looked at Flubber in awe, "Oh. Can I pet him?" I keenly asked Toivo.


I carefully went near the creature, trying to look as harmless as possible while he chewed on the ball. I slowly moved my arm forward so I could caress his forehead. He saw me and smiled enthusiastically and licked my hand welcomingly as I chuckled and pet him.

"You do get along with animals very well," Galena commented.

"Yes, animals are truly amazing creatures-a lot better than humans at times and easy to bond with and can become the most trustable companion anyone can have. Though, it can be hard gaining their trust sometimes, as you need to remember to show them your kindness and respect at all times."

"Indeed, they are."

Toivo entered the room with a huge basket on creaking wooden wheels, "Sorry, but can we plan the first step after I am done doing something. It would take a few minutes only," he said.

"Sure, but...what is it?" I asked.

"Well, that would be another surprise I wouldn't answer the questions of which", he gave a sly smile.

"What sort of surprise?" Galena and I asked, bewildered.

Toivo smiled, he took out a mat from the basket, laid it on the ground and sat on it, "Come on climb onto the mat if you want to know the answer!".

Galena and I looked at each other in bewilderment, before climbing onto the mat with Flubber also excitedly climbing along with us.

"Hold on tight! It will be a speedy ride!" warned Toivo.

The mat began hovering off the ground like the mat from Aladdin. We looked down on the wooden floor as the mat slowly rose in the air out of shock. As soon as the mat was a foot or two above the ground it took a sharp-speedy turn and flew right towards the wall.

Galena and I screamed our lungs out from fright as we magically shrunk in size and entered one of the tiny houses on the wall.

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