Part 2: prom night

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Oliver's POV
"Bro I don't know if I can see Gina she broke my heart, maybe I should just stay home" I said walking into school knowing it's a bad idea, than I see her talking with another boy. "Bro there's no need to worry I bet she will be crawling right back you after she sees your glow up" Cooper said patting my back, I did have a glow up but she is talking with another guy it's only been two months. "Cooper look" I said pointing to her talking with another guy and she was laughing. "What, what... oh" Cooper said looking up seeing them laughing and touching hands.

Coopers POV
What the hell she just broke up with him how is she talking with someone else it's only been two months. "I know I was so dumb to come in today I'm going home can you drive me?" Oliver said frowning walking out the door. "Yea I'll drive you home as long as you don't frown" I said trying to make him smile but he didn't I don't know what to do to make him feel better. "Do I have to please just drive me home... to late cooper she is walking over." Oliver whined looking down shaking his head. "Hey Oliver I know I dumped you but I was wondering if yo-" Gina was saying before I cut her off. "No he will not get back together with you, you broke his heart and we will never forgive you for that." I blurted stepping in front of Oliver so she didn't look at him. "I-I umm ok I'll go then" Gina said walking way frowning.
"Wow bro thanks for doing that but I still want to go home so please take me home we can watch a movie?" Oliver smiled giving me puppy eyes I can never say no to puppy eyes I don't know why? "Fine but I pick the movie!" I yelled running to the car. As soon as we got there Oliver gave me a look and it made me feel weird like I had butterflies in my stomach. "I want to watch... OH scream, please!" I asked knowing he was going to say no because he hates scary movies I don't know why? "Fine but if I get scared I will hold your hand and if you laugh you are out and I will not talk to you, ok?" Oliver said, I was fine with it but the thought of holding Oliver's had gave me the tingles and butterflies. "Ok I won't laugh at you I promise" I said turning the movie on. As soon as it started Oliver screamed and grabbed my hand and I blushed but didn't mean too.

Oliver's POV
I could tell Cooper liked it because I saw him blush, so I jumped on him to cuddle because I got "scared". "Wow I didn't think you would be this scared do you want to change it?" Coopers suggested but I kinda liked cuddling with Cooper. "No I'm fine keep it on" I blurted and continued to watch the movie, but then I felt something under my leg so I got up and went to the bathroom. Oh my got I don't know what to do I don't know what it was it could of just been him phone right? I asked in my head, I walking back out and sat back down but not cuddling Cooper I just sat there.

Coopers POV
I thought it was weird that he cuddled me but I kinda liked it but I got kinda nervous so I moved my phone where he could feel it so he would think it was something else I didn't know what to do but he never cuddles, so I decided to see if he was ok. "Are you ok Oliver you seem weird you normally don't get that scared, you cuddled me?" I said trying to talk to Oliver but he just ignored me and kept watching the movie so I paused it. "Bro what the hell i was watching that!" Oliver yelled grabbing the remote. "I just want to tal-" I got cut off from Oliver. "Sorry I have to go I have to get to teen help line bye!" Oliver yelled walking out the door.

Oh there is a little argument I wonder
How they will fix it 😉

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