Chapter 3 (Picture of Jack)

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Recap of chapter 2

DeeDee drags Noah to where jack is sitting and start asking random an annoying questions. Jack finding a excuse goes to Ms. Sidobe and uses his 'powers' to make her shut up. Ms.Sidobe gives Jack his schedule and tells him he is getting a tour from her brightest student... Noah!!!! 

 Dedicated again to my great editor Jycsagittarius :) keep up the good work!

 Chapter 3

Noah's P.O.V

The exact moment Jack was gone, I turned to DeeDee, glaring at her. "Start planning your funeral cause you are so dead!" She just looked at me grinning like a idiot, "You are so damn lucky!" I looked at her like she had lost her mind. I really questioned her sanity at that moment.

"And may I ask why I am so lucky?" She looked at me, her eyes glinting, "Jack likes you!" She screamed. I looked at her astonished. "What? No you must have misunderstood. He doesn't like me, and even if he does, I don't like him and there is something really weird about him which I can't point out, and its not because he's gorgeous, but he gives off a mysterious and dreary feeling. He's mean, he flicked my cheek and it still hurts!" I rambled on, my cheeks heating up as I rubbed it.

DeeDee stared at me, then her eyes widened, "You have a crush on him too!" Quickly I shook my head, "Shut up Dee, I don't and even if I did, I don't even know him so I can't!"She just smirked at me, "If we had time I would've stayed here and embarrassed you for liking the hottie but since we are about to be late for math I won't!"

I rolled my eyes and followed her as she walked towards the classroom, babbling about Jack and how cute and hot he was. I tried to ignore her, my cheeks getting redder and redder.  I probably looked like a tomato by then.

When we finally got to class I rushed to my seat just before the bell rang, took out my notebook and started copying the notes. When the door opened and Mr. As- Mr.Jerk walked in. He gave the teacher, Ms.Demoni a note and she read it quickly and told him to sit.

I crossed my fingers hoping he wouldn't choose a seat even close to me. But of course my wish wasn't granted and he sat on the seat that was just behind me.

Ms.Demoni started talking again. I felt something kick my chair but I ignored it, knowing it was Jack. I could see all of the girls staring at him with googly eyes and I got this strange urge to scream at them to stop staring at him and planning their future marriages with him and start copying the notes! 

But I didn't.

Jack kicked my chair again. I flipped back and glared at him, "What the hell do you want?"

He looked at me with a lopsided grin that made him look so.... 



I blinked out of my daze and controlled my hands which wanted to slap him.

I turned around and started copying my notes furiously, ignoring everything else.

God he was so annoying, but I just couldn't ignore the fact that something was eerie and different about him. It was almost magical but I didn't want to see it.

The moment the bell rang, I rushed out of the room not even glancing back.

I shrieked when I felt a hand clutch my arm. I spin around, ending up staring into bright grey eyes. "Sorry about that back in class, I can't help but be a sexy jerk." Jack says, looking at me amused. I scoff, " Yeah right."

"Anyways," he continues "I talked to Ms.Sidobe and she said that we have all the same classes!" He said, grinning. "Is that so?" I reply, trying to keep a poker face, but inside I was feeling all fluttery inside and I didn't know why. 

"Yeah, she also said that you woukd be giving me a private tour." He said smirking. "What!" I say, enraged. I mean, come on that lady told me to do everything and even though I was a teensy bit happy that he was in my classes, I did not want to give him a tour. I had things to do and places to be at.

"Yep." He said smiling that lopsided smile again. I groan and then say,"Fine, I'll give you the tour tomorrow, after 2nd period cause that's when we have a free period, Comprende?" He nods, "Now come on we have science next, and we will be late if we don't hurry." I said, running while talking.

He laughs, walking behind slowly. Shrugging, I leave him in the hallway and run towards the science room, taking a seat.

The whole day went like this, me telling Jack where his classes were and him being late to all of them cause he apparently had something to do or something to get from his locker and even go to the bathroom. 



When the last bell of the day finally rang, I was exhausted. Since all the foolish teachers thought everyone was going to college, they gave us a ton of homework.

So far I had to do 4 essays, 2 solo projects and 1 group project. The group project was for chemistry and unfortunately I was stuck with Jack and this girl named Caroline. It was due next Wednesday and all of us agreed to start it tomorrow, just after I gave Jack a tour of the orphanage building and of the school building which were connected. 

When I got to my room, I quickly jumped into bed, closing my eyes. I'd just take a little nap...

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