Chapter 1 (Picture of Noah)

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*Character's P.O.V will be changing, so be aware. 

Noah's picture is on the side, isn't she gorgeous?

Noah’s P.O.V

‘I have no one to depend on. Abandoned on a random doorstep of a family who refused to take me in, I was delivered to the orphanage, and here I am now, ready to scram from the hell that kept me enclosed 17 years later, different and ready-‘

I look up from my journal. I had exactly 164 days before I would become a legal adult and be able to remove my existence from this pity place. I smile at the thought, but it vanished almost immediately when my door was slammed open forcefully and a boy, not much older than me, marched in.

He held a scowl on his face, but it doesn’t mask his handsomesness. His light wavy hair frames his face nicely. His grey eyes add on to the mysterious aura that surrounds him. His skin, tan and flawless, not a scar in sight.

He threw his luggage on my bed and glared at the door. I sit quietly, watching him curiously as he analyzed the area. Finally, his eyes landed on me as we made eye contact. His scowl was still present on his face but his eyes expressed his amusement.

My gaze was still affixed on him as he came towards me with his hand thrusted forwards, “Hi, the name’ Jack,” before I can take his hand and reply, he continues, “and I’m gonna get out of here.” His voice drops to a whisper at the last few words.

Jack looks at the chair that I was currently sitting on and motioned for me to get off with his hand. Annoyed, I clear my throat. "It's not gonna work, you know." He gave a chuckle." Oh it will. Don't worry 'bout it." I let out a huff of irritation on my part and got off, allowing him to take the chair. Only then I realised that he was at least a head taller than me, making me feel petite against his huge figure.

I watch as he dragged the chair to the window, quickly getting on top of it. The window was at least a foot above him. Dumbly, he jumps to grab the metal. A smirk of amusement appeared on my face as I witness Jack tumbling off the chair.

I walk towards him, his gaze meeting mine as he cradles his mildly burnt hand. “ I feel like I just touched a scorching kettle.” Jack states, shock evidently expressed on his face. “Told ya so,” I grin as I dragged the chair back to where it was originally at.

He lays on the floor for about a minute, then gets up and stalks to my bed. I kept sneaking peeks at him as he sighs and lies back on my bed, sheltering his eyes with his arms. A while later, the sound of his soft snores travel to my ears.

I go back to the sentence I was writing in my journal.

‘Because I am a Thaumarturge.’

Jack’s P.O.V

When I wake up, the moon was at its brightest. I spot the chick sleeping on the chair with her head thrown back. A sense of guilt swept over me for taking her bed, even though she is annoying and has an attitude.

I get up from the bed and stealthily walk towards her, picking her up bridal style and setting her gently on the bed.

When I cover her with the thin cloth she uses as a blanket, her eyes flutter but don’t open. Heaving a sigh of relief, I bring the chair she was sleeping on near the bed and took a seat.

Finally, I look at her. She is quite beautiful with dark wavy hair that pooled down her back and a tender face. But the first thing I had noticed when I entered the room,was her eyes. They were an intruging, golden yellow.

I had only seen those eyes in textbooks, textbooks that told you about devils and how to identify one, but their eyes reflected pure evil. Her eyes, even though they were an alarming gold, they fit perfecting on her, making her seem angelic instead.

The knocking on the door got me up and moving. I turn the knob and open the door. There stood in front of me the same annoying lady that gave me the hour long lecture about the freaking orphanage.

She looks at me in the eyes and after a brief pause, she says, “ We have found a room for you. Its down the hall to the left and labeled 2C.”

Nodding, I told her that I would be there in a minute. I close the door and picked up my stuff from the floor. When I passed the bed, I had the sudden urge to inform her that I was leaving. But me being me, I ignored the urge and kept on walking.

When I walked into the room, I took a glimpse of my surroundings. The wallpaper was a dull white and the room was really small in size. The bed was small and pushed to a corner of the room, with a cream coloured rug next to it. Other than that, there was only a table and a chair in the room.

Instantly exhausted, I drop my things on the rug and get in the bed, my eyes closing unwillingly.

I woke up when the sun shone at my eyes. Letting out a groan, I get up and get rummage for my toiletries, but I realized that I had no idea where the bathroom was. Not wanting to face the old lady again, I open my door, walked down the hallway and made a left turn.

I knock at the same door I had found yesterday, smiling when I remembered the girl. I seriously had to find out her name. I couldn’t go around calling her “ The Chick” , that would be just weird.

The opening of the door brings me out of my thoughts. The girl stood  there, rubbing her eyes. Her dark hair tangled and bunched up on top of her head. Her golden eyes tired with sleep. Even in this state, she still seemed to look like a supermodel.

The moment she realizes who I am, she shots me a glare. “What do you want now? And no, I am not giving you my chair.”

Feisty, nice.

I roll my eyes, “Actually, I was thinking if you could tell me where MY bathroom was.”

She looks at me. “My bathroom?” She repeats, looking confused. After a moment of silence, she chuckles.

“You don’t get the royalty toget your own bathroom, Mister, there is only one boy’s bathroom on this floor. It has five mini bathrooms in it so I think that’s good enough for you.”

I groan silently, sharing a bathroom, this couldn’t get any worse, I thought.

I gave her a smile, “Thanks…”

She looks at me with sleepy eyes. “The girl who wants to go to sleep.”

I wiggle my eyebrows. “Sorry, but I don’t like to do dirty deeds this early in the morning.”

She glares at me as I snicker in her face. After calming down and seeing her ‘What do you want?’ face, I ask, “But seriously, what’s your name? It’s only fair that you tell me yours since I told you mine.”

Her answer to me was slamming the door in my face.

Girl with attitude, even better.

 So guys how did you like it? This is my first story on wattpad and i would love to hear your feedback. Please fan,vote, and most of all comment :)

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