But thats all I do. 

I know, babe. Thats why were trying to make you worry less. 

AJ and I made our way out of the school and out to her car. We buckled up, AJ turned on the engine and then we were on our way to the Andrews residence. 


The girls and I were ready for our sleepover as soon as AJ and I got back to the house. Toni and AJ were getting everything ready as I went downstairs to get the snacks. I was making popcorn, so I was waiting for it to be done. Hearing the front door opening and closing made me turn my head to see who was home. It was Archie. It looked like he was coming back from a run. Loud music was blasting through his headphones and when he saw me he took them out. 

Hey Brooke! Archie greeted me, and walks over. The popcorn was done, so I took it out of the microwave and then put it in the bowl. Hey Archie! I greeted back, he smiled at me and I smiled back at him. I was pouring the hot popcorn over the bowl and shook the bag a bit since some of the popcorn wasnt coming out of the bag. Archie was covered in sweat and obviously, he was shirtless. 

Are you having a sleepover with AJ? Archie asked as he goes into the cabinet to get a cup. He does and grabs himself some water then he drinks it. I set the bowl of popcorn and other snacks we had boughten while on the way back aside to look at Archie. No, Archie, Im just not sleeping at my house. Yes, Im sleeping over. Tonis here too. I said sarcastically, earning a laugh from Archie. AJ thinks I need a break. I said as I was leaning against the counter with my arms crossed over my chest. 

Archie hummed. Well, you do look like shit, Brooke. Archie says and I punched his arm. Ow! What? Its true! 

You dont think I dont know that? I scare myself every day when I wake up and look at myself in the mirror. I said and laughed and so did he. Jeez, you hit harder than my sister does. Archie tells me and I grinned at him. Im not sorry. I giggle and he shakes his head at me. I know youre not.

Oh hey, you guys dont happen have any sodas or anything? AJ thought that wed have some here and it turns out we dont. I asked Archie. I think we might have some in the garage. We can go get some if you want? I nodded my head. 

I followed Archie out to the garage. I wouldve checked earlier, but AJ isnt letting me out of her sight. She only allowed me to come downstairs. We walked over to the fridge in the garage then Archie checked to see and he started to grab something, so that meant that they did. Does your cheek still hurt? Archie asks while he closed the fridge door and handed me the sodas and I took them from him. He was referring to my bruised cheek. I nod my head. It stings, but like all wounds, they heal. 

Archie looked at me. Are you sure youre okay? Im genuinely asking if you are. 

I looked at Archie as I leaned against the wall near me and looked at Archie. I then realized that I havent really thought about it until now. I didnt know how to answer his question since I dont know how Im feeling. I guess Ive been so busy that I haventhad any time to process how Ive been feeling. The best word to describe how Im feeling isexhausted and drained. I feel like sometimes I cant show emotions since Im a mother and I cant do anything. I answered him, tears forming in my eyes as I spoke. 

All Archie did was give me a big hug. I wouldve hugged him back, but because my hands were full I couldnt exactly hug him back. I tried blinking the tears away, but it didnt work. The tears streamed down my face and I just started to let it all out right there. Youre okay, Brooke. Archie reassured me and I buried my face into his shoulder as I continued to cry. Ive been so tired, drained and hardly have the energy to even feel my emotions or let them out. I continued to sob in his arms and at some point, I dropped those sodas I was holding. 

I dont feel okay, Archie! I cried and sniffled. My ex threatened to kill me because I have my daughter. Im on edge, and Im scared, and I dont know who I can trust because I keep thinking that they are working for Dakota. Dakota is going to be a big target on my back for the rest of my life If I dont put him away. But I cant him away because hes just going to keep coming back until he gets what he wants and thats my daughter! Im not going to rest until hes out of my life!I sobbed. Archie rubbed my back and hugged me tighter. 

Brooke, everythings going to be okay. Dakota isnt going to hurt you and Desi anymore. We are going to protect you, no matter what. Archie reassured me for the thousandth time, rubbing my back and trying to calm me down before I go into panic attack mode. Do you want AJ? Archie asks and I nodded my head in response as I continued to sob my heart out. Archie pulled out his phone from his pocket and called AJ. 

What do you want, fuck face? 

I heard AJ answer on the other line. 

Hey, Im in the garage with Brooke and shes sort of having a mental breakdown and Im worried shell go into panic attack mode again. She needs you to get over here. 

Shit, now that we turned down the music I can hear her crying from the garage. Give me a second Ill be right there, babes!

AJ then came down to the garage with Toni and then she shoved Archie out of the way and she hugs me tightly and so does Toni. What happened? 

He a-asked h-how I was d-doing. I replied through sobs as she gently strokes my hair. And you finally broke down? 

Mhm. I said, sniffling and trying to calm down. I knew it was Toni who was scratching my back just by the motion and feeling of the nails. Crying i-is g-gross. I sniffled, wrapping my arms around AJs waist. Its okay to cry, babes. It means youre human and you have feelings. Your parents raised you to think showing emotions is a weakness, but its not. Youre okay, baby girl, I promise. AJ said to me, still running her fingers through my hair. My sobs were dying down now. 

I kept taking deep breaths since I felt myself starting to go into panic attack mode. Sometimes when I get really emotional, like at this moment right now, I will most likely have a panic attack. I let go of AJ and put my hands on my hips and start to take deep breaths. Good, good. Were doing our exercises. Do you want me to call Sweet Pea? AJ says and asks and I shook my head. Hes working right now and t-the last t-thing right now is to m-make him worry m-more. I said in between breaths. 

Im still gonna text him, babydoll. He needs to know. Toni tells me as shes typing on her phone. Archie, get her water. AJ demanded and Archie left for a moment to do as told. I continued to take deep breaths, as the tiredness started to take over my body. I felt my legs starting to go numb and red and black took over my eyesight. Whoa! Bee, you need to sit- Brooke! 

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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