"Did you bring the extra car seat for her?" I asked AJ, and she nodded her head. "Yeah! The car seat is right next to Say-Say." 

I went over to the passenger side of the Jeep and went to the backseat opening the door. I placed Odessa down on the car seat that's next to Saylor. I buckled her up as Saylor looked at me. "Hi baby boy." 

Saylor smiles at me, which melts my heart. I placed Odessa's bag down then I closed the door gently being careful in not scaring Odessa. I've come to learn that she doesn't like loud sounds, those scare her a lot and make her cry. I went to the passenger seat and climbed in and closed the door. "Ready?" AJ asked, and I nodded my head, letting out a soft yawn.  AJ started up the Jeep and then started making her way to Shankshaw Prison. "Tired?" AJ asks, rubbing my back a little bit. "Yeah, and a little sore from yesterday. What time did you get home?" I questioned AJ, she glances at me then back at the road. "Around 3am, I think. I don't really remember but I know it was a pretty late." AJ replies, she turns on the radio and changes the station that was on and searched for the one that she likes. 

Soft pop music was playing through the radio now. AJ put it a somewhat good volume where it's not too loud or too low. I flinched a bit when my phone beeped. "You're still jumpy." AJ comments as I reached into my purse to grab my phone. "Yep." 

I unlocked my phone to see who texted me. I saw a few messages that I still need to answer. A small smile appeared on my face seeing it was Sweet Pea. "It's green giant, isn't it?" 

I giggled.

"I'm taking that as a yes." 

I smiled at the text message and started typing on my keyboard. "Oh, you're adorable." 

"Have you two hung out?" 

"No, not alone anyway if that's what you mean." I replied to her, pressing the send button and setting down my phone. "Yeah, that's what I mean." AJ laughed and so did I. "Uh, last time we hung out alone we kissed. Yes, we talked about it. No, it's not awkward at all between us. We just haven't had time to discuss what it means." I said to AJ, answering every question she was about to ask. She has been making a few turns here and there already. "Well, you need to! Bee, he really likes you and you make him happy." AJ tells me and I looked at her in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that. It's true! Everyone knows it too. You're all he talks about. Brooke this, Brooke that."

I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks. "Does he, really?"

"Yes, honey, he does. I gotta hear about it all the time." AJ joked, and I laughed. "I don't know. I guess I'm just scared in getting hurt again. I don't want to go back down that road."

"I'm scared as well but here I am talking to Lux." 

I sighed. "We're gonna talk about it next time we hang out so keep your phone close, okay?" I looked at AJ and she looked at me and nodded her head. "Yes ma'am." AJ says to me, after we made another few turns here and there, we finally arrived to Shankshaw prison. AJ parked her Jeep in the parking lot and put the Jeep in park and turned off the engine. We both got out of the Jeep and went to the backseats to get the kids. I grabbed the diaper bag and my handbag before grabbing the carrier. I closed the door as did AJ and we walked together. I followed AJ since I had no idea where to go. AJ and I walked into the building, AJ went up to the lady that's at the front desk and told her who were here to see. 

The desk lady nodded her head then she gave me us visitor passes. We said thank you then waited for a security guard to come to us and guide us to where we need to go.  The security guard came to get us and guided us to where FP is. A cold chill ran down my spine as I looked at this place. I haven't visited a place like this in a while. Last time I visited a place like this was back in New York and that was a time where I visited my twin a lot and Dad before we moved to this town. I stayed close behind AJ not wanting to get lost. We got to a room where there's clear windows in between the walls and payphones hooked onto the sides where it seems that you could talk to the person, you're visiting. 

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