I took a seat in one of the armed chairs to wait for Archie. As soon as I sat down, I received a text from him:

To: Brooke 

From: Archie 

Be there in 15 minutes!

To: Archie 

From: Brooke 


I sent the text, and I sat there waiting for him. I had done all the homework I had gotten yesterday. I just need to do all of my missing assignments. I started some of them last night, Im going to try to finish some during study hall today. 

 I was hoping that Odessa wouldnt give Noelle a hard time. AJ said that Noelle is good with babies and kids and that theres nothing to be worried about. I saw a shadow figure approach the door and somebody knocked on the door. I shot up from the chair with my things and then went to open the door. It was Archie. Good morning, 

Good morning, you ready? 

Yeah! I said, stepping outside of the Pembrooke and closing the door behind me. Archie and I started walking to school. Brooke, you look exhausted, Archie commented, looking at me and I looked at him. So do you, Archie, I added to his comment. I didnt get any sleep last night, I told him, and he gave me a worried look. Why not? Archie asks, I sighed and shrugged. Because of my daughter, she kept me up all night, I replied to him, and he made an oh face. 

The little baby you brought to the hospital the other day? Archie questioned, trying to remember if hes met her or not and I nodded my head. Yes, that was my daughter, I clarified for him. I remember now! Shes cute! I wouldve met her but Archie trailed off; I knew he was talking about his dad. Its okay, Archie, you were more worried about your dad, and speaking of whom, how is he doing? Ive been meaning to ask, 

Hes doing fine, hes back at home and hes moving around a little. I burned his breakfast earlier this morning wanting to bring him breakfast in bed, Archie laughed, shaking his head and I laughed too. Thats good that hes doing fine, that was sweet of you though, I said smiling at Archie and he smiled back at me. We reached the street of the school, and a lot of students were arriving. How are you doing? Ive been meaning to ask too. Veronica has told me a little bit about your situation with your ex-boyfriend and AJ too, Archie asks, and I bit the inside of my cheek. 

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach knowing he was talking about Dakota. Honestly, Im not doing well. A lot happened in New York, and I havent had a chance to talk about it, I said to Archie, being honest with him. Well, you can always talk to me, Archie reassured me. Thanks, that means a lot, same goes for you, okay? I say to him, and he just smiles at me nodding his head. 

How are things with my sister? I know you two are dating, I asked, being genuinely curious to know how things are going and wanting to change the subject not wanting to talk about Dakota. Things are going well. She makes me happy, Archie said, and I smiled at that. 

Good, Im glad, 

How did you know that were dating? We havent told anyone yet, 

I assumed so when you two performed together at the dance, I replied to him, and he smiled from ear to ear. We havent said anything to anyone so if you could please- 

Not tell anyone? You got it. Your secret is safe with me, I assured Archie as we approached the building. Im gonna go to my locker. See you later! I said to Archie, and we walked separate ways. I went straight to my locker and put in the combination then opened it. I put some of my books in there not wanting to carry them. Hey, little one! A voice said, causing me to stop what Im doing and look over at Reggie and his friend Moose.

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