"That doesnt surprise me. Mrs. Reese laughed and so did I. Whos this new boy? Is he cute? Mrs. Reese teased, and I giggled nodding my head at her. His nickname is Sweet pea. He hasnt told me his actual name yet. I reply, I went into my phone, and I pulled up a picture of him and me from my photo gallery. We took one the first night we met. Oooh! He is cute for you. Mrs. Reese approved already, and I blushed then put my phone faced down. I hope everything is going well between you two. 

"Yeah, he knows Im kind of not ready for dating yet so for right now were just taking things slow. I sort of like him so its a big maybe on dating. I told her; Mrs. Reese's smile grew wider. Im glad honey, its reasonable if you are skeptical after everything that happened with Dakota. Mrs. Reese commented, I nodded my head in agreement. Yeah, I decided to wait on the whole dating thing after I tried dating Jace and that didnt quite work out. So, I kind of want things to work out with Sweet pea, that's why were taking things slow. I said to Mrs. Reese, remembering that things didnt work out with Jace. He is one of the sweetest guys that I know though. Its always good to take things slow when you first start going out with someone. Just please promise me youll be careful this time sweetheart. We dont want to see you get hurt again. Mrs. Reese says to me, I promise. Trust me, Im much more careful now than I was with Dakota. I reassured her. 

Mrs. Reese glanced at the clock thats on the stove and clicked her tongue. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Jasper must have fallen back asleep. You know how that girl is with her sleep. Can you go wake her up?Mrs.. Reese asked, and I nodded my head hopping off of the tall chair. Yeah. I reply to her then make my way down to Jaspers room. I tiptoed quietly to her room and grinned seeing shes asleep when I walked into her bedroom. I jumped onto her bed grabbing her by the waist and rolled us over on the other side of the bed. 

This is how we used to wake each other up if one of us went to visit the other person at their house and one of us was still sleeping. Brooke?! What the hell?! Jasper groaned, I giggled and kissed her hair. Language Jasper! Mrs. Reese called from downstairs causing us both to laugh. I got up from the floor then helped Jasper up. Good morning to you too. Jasper hugged me and I hugged her back. Morning! Are you ready? Im starving and I want food! I exclaimed; Jasper shook her head at me. Yes, Im ready. Lets go. Jasper said, linking arms with me. 

Jasper and I walk out of her room and to the front door. Mom! Were leaving! Jasper yelled to Mrs. Reese. 

"Have fun girls! Mrs. Reese yelled back, and we walked out of the house. Mr. Smithers is still waiting for us. I opened the back door for Jasper letting her go in first and I followed after her secondly. Where to Miss. Jasper and Miss. Brooke? Mr. Smithers questioned looking at us through the rear-view mirror. Jasper and I look at each other trying to decide where to go for breakfast. Oooh! I know! How about that small local diner we used to go to a lot when we were little?  We stopped going there for some reason. Jasper suggested. 

I thought about it for a moment trying to remember what diner she was talking about. You probably dont remember it. Its called The Jamming Clove. It was this cute little diner thats kind of near Elliots neighborhood. Jasper tried to get me to remember the diner. I then remembered the diner. Oh! That diner! Yeah, lets go to The Jamming Clove Mr. Smithers! 

Mr. Smithers started to make the drive to The Jamming Clove. Speaking of Ellie, hows he and Jace doing? I asked, wondering how the boys were doing. Ive missed them a lot nowadays. Oh, they miss you so much! Theyre doing okay, Ellie is doing good in school and Jace, well hes getting into trouble like always. Jasper replied to me, and I smiled. 

"Thats good, Im glad that nothings changed. 

It hasnt been the same without you, honestly. 

"It cant be that bad. 

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