Sweet pea looked at me over his shoulder shaking his head. Look who decided to finally get out of bed. Fangs said, earning laughs from the girls. You needed the rest didnt you babes? AJ asked, grabbing my wrist and pulling me onto the couch to sit next to her. Yeah, I guess so. I yawned, rubbing my eyes again trying to wake up. AJ moved so she was laying her head on my lap. Are you feeling better from last night? AJ looked up at me, I leaned back into the couch and looked down at her. If Im being honest, no I dont feel better. I bit the inside of my cheek. 

Sweet pea sits down next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Shes mine right now, Sweet pea, AJ tells him, grabbing my hand and she plays with it as she glared at him, and he glared back at her. You get to see her all the time, I dont. Sweet pea whined, I ran my fingers through my hair to get the tangles out and also so the bed hair could go away. 

"I hate you Sweet pea, AJ said to Sweet pea, she was holding her shoulder. I giggled at the two arguing. Why? Because I smacked you? Sweet pea asked, letting out a laugh. Yes. AJ glared at him. I shake my head at the two. I wasnt feeling well, I havent been for a day now, but I wasnt going to the four know that. Toni must have noticed that I wasnt. You okay? Toni asked to which I nodded my head. Yeah, I replied to the pink-haired girl. 

Liar, AJ said, doing a fake cough, wow throw me under a bus why dont you?

"Brooke, what's wrong? Sweet Pea asked, in his voice, it sounded like he was starting to worry. I just dont feel good. I promise its nothing to be worried about. I reassured the four worried friends. Well worry. Both AJ and Sweet Pea spoke at the same time, Its not nothing, now spill!

"Theres nothing to spill? Im just dizzy.

"Babes, you look pale. That's not nothing. Toni commented, am I pale? I dont think I am. Toni, guys, I said Im fine, I say to them. I got a phone call. I looked at the caller ID.

"Would you guys just leave me alone? I was talking to my phone, not AJ, Toni, Fangs, or Sweet Pea. I looked at them and stood up. I gotta take this. I didnt give them time to answer before I just walked out of the trailer. Jazz? I answered the phone. H-hey Brookie. Jasper greeted me, Jasper, shes my ex-girlfriend from back in New York, she was with the girls last night when they all got hurt by Dakota.

I felt my face drop, I knew something was wrong. Whats wrong? I was walking around outside in Sweet Peas part of the trailer park. Nothings wrong, just in some slight pain. Jasper replied to me, I sighed in relief. Dont do that! You scared me, I thought you were going to tell me someone died. Jasper laughed a bit but then groaned from her pain. How is everyone?

"Sorry! Everyone is okay. The girls are feeling some pain today like myself. I was glad that everyone was okay. "Its okay, Im glad that everyone is fine. Ill be heading out there tonight, okay? I need to pack a bag and take care of other things. I could hear either Mia or Rose in the background saying no. No, no well be fine for today and tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day and night, come tomorrow. 

"But Jazz, Im worried about you guys and my daughter. I dont want you in town if Dakota is after all of you. 

My eyes widened a bit as I realized something. Please tell me you and the girls are somewhere safe?

"Were fine. Des is asleep with Mia right now, those two are taking a nap like nothing happened. Rose is still somewhat freaking out but were calming her down. I nodded my head and hummed. Were at my brothers apartment, Dakota doesnt know where he lives so its the safest place we could go to. He cant find us Jasper stopped talking for a second, Rose must be talking to her as I cant hear her. Rose wants you to stay in Riverdale until tomorrow, Jasper tells me, and I sighed. Okay. I was still freaking out a bit. Obviously, Im gonna disobey Roses wishes and head out tonight. Jazz, I need you and the girls to lay low. Turn off your GPS. I dont need Dakota figuring out where you are and causing more trouble. Ill be there tomorrow, text me your brothers address, so I have it. I said to her, half of that was a lie. 

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