Chapter 6

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The process of arguing and finding body parts continued throughout the entire journey of collecting them. Each time they reached a new area, they would start arguing again about the smallest things.

They just needed to hurry and get out of there. It wasn't so hard to grab something that looks decent and run.

"Are we finally done?" Kou asked. He wanted to be done. It was too long just to look for body parts.

"Do you think she'll want her nails?" Himari asked.

"That's too detailed. I'm not looking for more. Do you know how many times we almost died?" Nene said.

Himari looked at Nene with a sarcastic look. He wasn't being serious. He was just as done with the boundary as anyone else was.

"Finally, we're done!" Kou said as the gate opened. There were no more phone calls and no more arguments about body parts. He was so relieved they could finally bring back the students instead of going on a scavenger hunt for body parts.

"I don't think we're done yet. Look, there's a chair over there!" Nene said. She cautiously walked to the chair and then screeched.

Kou inspected the thing on the chair better and he didn't know how to react. It was all the body parts they found and put together.

"I blame lame ass traffic earring for how bad it looks," Himari said bluntly.

Kou shot a look at Himari. "What do you mean?! You were the one who gave the okay to grab the first thing that looked usable!" Kou defended himself.

Nene sighed as she watched the two fight about whose fault it was for making it look so horrendous. No one was truly to blame, since it was a team effort.

"The best parts are the bust and left leg," Nene said. Kou turned to Himari. The two shared a disapproving look with each other.

"Don't lie to yourself. It looks like it came from the garbage. Nothing about it looks nice because collectively it looks bad," Himari said. Nene sighed and so did Kou, even though he agreed with the ghost.

"It can have good portions about it. It's just... not all of it is good if you could even call it that," Kou said.

Before Nene could respond, another figure emerged from the shadows. It was a girl with two braids. Could the girl be the one that called them earlier? Kou didn't understand it too well. Didn't the girl say she had no physical body? How was she standing in front of them as if it didn't happen?

Her eyes laid upon the trio, but paid closer attention to the monstrosity they created.

"Well, that's quite an interesting design choice," the girl said. Kou could tell the girl was trying to hold in a sigh of disappointment.

"We're sorry! We really tried our best," Nene said. Himari rolled his eyes and chimed in, "No, we didn't. Don't lie to yourself."

"You don't tell the supernatural who can kill us that we didn't try at all. Not all of us are dead like you, Himari," Kou said. Himari rolled his eyes.

"We're in a place where life and death don't exist. You'll live," Himari responded.

The girl kept looking at the combined body parts. "It surely is interesting to see how humans would create a human body. I'm sure it'll work this time with the intricate design."

The girl walked closer to the doll and whispered something. Kou didn't catch what she said, but he knew there was no way it would actually work. He had a feeling the girl knew as well.

The weird mashup of body parts started to move. Kou suspected it to fall, as did everyone else. However, the girl gave false hope about it working. At least Kou hoped it was fake. There was no way she believed it could move around.

As expected, the body parts came apart as it started to move. "Another failure," the girl sighed.

"Another failure? Have you seen the other students?" Kou asked.

"The other students? Oh, those who have failed. Don't worry! They're safe. Look around," the girl said.

Nene and Kou looked around. How come they didn't notice the doll-turned students? Were they that bad at looking at their surroundings?

The amount of dolls sent a shiver down Kou's spin. Nene saw her friends in the pile and ran to them. The girl gave a disappointed look at Nene. A pair of scissors went to cut Nene, but Kou blocked it with his arm.

"Senpai, are you okay?"

As Kou asked, his arm turned into a doll. How did his arm turn into a doll?

"Well, at least now we know not to get hit by those scissors," Himari said. Kou rolled his eyes.

"Daikon-senpai stay here. Lame Ass Traffic Earring, come with me," Himari said. He grabbed Kou's doll arm and dragged him away. Nene tried to distract the girl as best she could.

"Okay so what do I have to do?" Kou asked. Himari didn't explain and continued to drag Kou.

"If the yorishiro isn't up here, then it must be down there," Himari explained. Kou groaned. Did he have to walk all the way back down and farther?

"You know, there is a faster way to go all the way down. I just hope you're not afraid of heights and falling down from such a height," Himari said. Kou and Himari were close to the edge now.

"What are you planning to do?" Kou asked. He raised an eyebrow at Himari before looking over the edge slightly. He couldn't see the bottom. Was the boundary that deep? It was probably just that deep because they were at the top of the staircase.

"I believe in you to get that yorishiro, I guess. We're depending on you so, I guess I have to wish you good luck," Himari said before pushing Kou off. 

As Kou fell, he just screamed. Not even a rope or something to make it feel less life threatening? He didn't even know how far down the fall was. He was sure he would die from the fall. Then again, it was a boundary he was in, so he wouldn't necessarily die from the fall, right?

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