Chapter 1

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"Have you heard? The school has seven mysteries."

Kou turned his head. School mysteries? What were those? It had to be something interesting, so he listened in on their conversation.

"No, I haven't heard."

"Well, they say that if you uncover the secrets of each mystery, something interesting will happen. Do you want to hear the most famous of them all?"

The other person nodded, and they continued on with their story.

"Himari-san of the photography club. It's said she had one wish in life to have friends. The way she seeks out people is by putting a hand on her shoulder. Once she does that, the person will have an urge to go to the photography club's room. The other way to find Himari-san is to take a picture of the window. Once you put the camera down, you'll soon see Himari-san floating in front of you. It's rumored that she'll ask you to be her friend or you summon her first and she'll grant you a wish with a price."

Himari-san? Kou never heard it before. He assumed it wasn't true, though. It couldn't have been true. There's no way the school was haunted. From his older brother, he has heard stories about supernaturals, but he never truly encountered one. Maybe he would just see if it was real.

The rumors were the talk of the town, but never did Kou listen to them. He always believed they were fake since they were rumors. Made up stories from people who wanted to spread drama. Only for those who were naive enough to think they were true to get laughed at.

He should probably get advice from his brother before he made a huge mistake.

"Teru-nii, do you think the rumors are true?" Kou asked.

Teru raised an eyebrow in confusion. Why was Kou asking him this? What was Kou planning to do?

"They might, you never know."

Kou sighed. That wasn't helpful at all. He wanted an actual answer, not whatever Teru said. More like he needed an answer rather than wanting an answer.

Kou waved goodbye to Teru. Teru wanted to follow behind Kou either way. He wanted to make sure Kou wasn't doing something stupid.

"Why were you asking? You're not the type to look into supernatural things."

Kou didn't want to tell the truth. He had a feeling Teru would know what Kou was thinking of when he lied. It wasn't a risk he wanted to take.

"I want to know if the rumors are true or not."

Teru continued to walk next to Kou. He knew Kou was thinking about something stupid. It was only an amount of time when the ball would roll.

As the two walked next to each other, a girl that was a year older than Kou ran into him. It was so sudden. Kou didn't have the time to react.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" The girl said before running off with her blushed face.

Kou was left in confusion when the girl abruptly left. What was into her? Why would she run towards him and then leave as soon as she came? It was left a mystery to him.

Kou shrugged it off. It was probably nothing too important. Besides, it could have been for Teru. He was popular with people, so maybe she was one of the girls who liked him.

Either way, Kou knew what he would do. He would try to summon Himari. It had him hooked, so he wanted to figure it out.

Kou waved goodbye to Teru and walked towards the photography club room. He was a bit nervous, but he didn't let it show. There was no way he should be scared of some ghost story.

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