Chapter 50: A Member of the Pack

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"Adan, are you taking me to my condo or yours?" Even though I still felt drained, my energy was starting to return.

He looked into my eyes as a devilish grin curled his lips. "I was going to take you to your suite to lay down for a few minutes, but if you'd rather go to my place—"

"No, mine is fine." I smiled, looking up at him.

He chuckled. "I was only joking."

"I know."

"Alpha, let me get that for you," one of the guards said, rushing ahead to open the door to my suite. "Let us know if you need anything."

Adan arched an eyebrow. "Oh, you can count on it."

After we walked in, Adan carried me straight to the bedroom and laid me on the bed. "Would you like anything?"

"Maybe a glass of water," I tried to sit up, but Adan pushed me back down.

"Lay down for a few minutes. Then when you're feeling better, we'll go downstairs."

I smiled. "On second thought, stay here with me."

Adan sat on the side of the bed, and held my hand, smiling as I looked into his eyes.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him, feeling content.

"For what?"

"For taking such good care of me."

"It's my pleasure." He gently squeezed my hand, and then raised it to his lips and kissed it. "Let me be the first to congratulate you on becoming a Luna."

"Thank you." I sat up but weaved a bit and lay back down. "I can't believe it zapped that much energy from me. I'm a wolf, and we rarely even get tired."

He patted my hand as he rose to his feet. "Yes, but wolf or not, but it's not every day that you meet the Moon Goddess." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "What was she like?"

A crease formed between my eyes. "You didn't see her?"

Adan shook his hand. "No. None of us did. Only the Potential Luna has the privilege."

I nodded, understanding. "She was beautiful with white hair even though she looked young, and she was kind. There was a white wolf behind her. I wasn't sure if it was her inner wolf or another."

"It was probably her inner wolf." He let out a deep breath. "Sometimes, she comes to those who need her in her wolf form, and it's always a white wolf."


Adan nodded, rubbing the back of my hand. "Once, long ago, one of our people was lost in the forest in the depths of winter and couldn't find his way back. Knowing he would soon die if he didn't find shelter soon, he said a quick prayer to the Moon Goddess. A white wolf soon appeared, and she beckoned him to follow her. He did and she led him to a cabin in the woods. But when he turned back, the wolf was gone, and she had left no footprints behind. That was when he knew that Selene, the Moon Goddess, had come to him in his hour of need and saved him."

"Wow. That's amazing."

He nodded, smiling as he stood. "I'll be right back." He walked out the door, and I heard the water running in the kitchen a moment later.

While he was out, I sat up and leaned against the headboard. Before long, my energy started to return.

Adan came back in with a glass of water and frowned when he saw me sitting up. "You really should be lying down."

"Actually, I feel much better now." I took the water he offered and took a sip. "So, how long do the effects usually last?"

"Not long, but you really should drink some more. It'll help." Adan sat beside me on the bed. "You'll feel better once you eat something."

I drank the rest of the water, suddenly feeling dehydrated. "Okay." I sat on the edge of the bed and weaved a bit.

"Whoa." Adan grabbed my shoulders, steadying me as he checked my eyes. "Maybe we should wait up here for another minute—"

"No," I cut him off. "I'm fine. Let's go. I don't want to keep everyone waiting."

"You won't be." He shrugged. "Usually, everyone eats, and the new Luna comes down for the celebration when she's ready."

"Celebration?" I stood, but Adan held my hand, steadying me. But once I was on my feet, I felt much better.

He shrugged. "Just a little one."

I rolled my eyes. "Should I be afraid?"

"Very." He laughed as he offered me his arm. "Let's go, if you're ready."

"Okay." I took his arm, glad he had been by my side. "So, the other new Lunas... who cares for them usually?"

Adan sighed as he locked the door behind us. "Their fathers or Mates. Sometimes, maybe an older brother or a close friend."

"What happens if they don't have anyone?"

He shrugged, holding the elevator for me. "Then I step in or another member of the Pack." He hit the button for the first floor and then glanced over at me. "But to tell you the truth, there hasn't been a new Luna in this Pack for quite a while."

A crease formed between my eyes. "Why?"

He lifted one shoulder. "No one has presented themselves in a long time."

I nodded. "Well, we'll have to change that."

Adan rubbed my shoulders as he looked into my eyes. "You're absolutely right. Maybe you could work with the young women."

I nodded, smiling. "I'd like that... once I learn the ropes of being a Luna myself."

"Magenta will help you with that."

Just then, the elevator door opened, and we stepped out into the hallway. Adan placed his hand protectively on my back as we headed down the hallway toward the Main Dining Hall.

"Congratulations, My Queen." One of the guards smiled as he opened the door for us.

"That was really something to behold." The other guard smiled as he opened the other door.

"Thank you, gentlemen." I smiled as we passed.

When we walked in, the entire room erupted in applause and stood. Everyone continued clapping as Adan led me down the aisle, headed toward the stage.

"What in the world...."

Adan chuckled. "I wanted you to be surprised. You don't understand. This is a very big deal for everyone here. As I said, you're the first Luna to have been selected in a very long time."

I nodded, smiling, making eye contact with everyone as Adan led me up the stairs to the right of the stage. Once I was seated, Adan approached the microphone.

"Thank you, everyone, for your generous reception of our new Luna, Princess Brenna Sutton!" Adan beamed as he glanced back at me, smiling with pride. Then he held up his hands, and silence fell over the room. "Now, in front of the whole Pack, I'd like to ask Brenna a question."

My eyes widened, unable to believe what I was hearing. 'Don't tell me he's going to ask me to marry him right here in front of everyone....'

"Brenna, if you would?" A broad smile spread across his lips as he motioned for me to come to him.

'This can't be happening, this can't be happening,' I repeated over and again to myself. Adan had planned to ask me to marry him in front of the Pack when I couldn't say no. 'If I accept now, I'll never have any power, but I can't refuse him in front of the whole Pack—'

"Brenna," Adan cut off my inner monologue as he took my hand. "On behalf of the Moon Shadow Pack, will you... become the new Pack Luna?"

"Yes. I'd love to." Applause erupted from the room as I breathed a sigh of relief.

I slipped my arm around his waist and leaned into his side as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Thank you." Sincerity colored his eyes. "I promise you; you won't regret it."

And for the first time in a long while, I truly felt like a member of a Pack.

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