Chapter 15

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-Amily's POV-

Saturday arrived and I was finally released from the hospital. It's been 6 weeks since I won, but I'm just now being allowed to return to District 4.

Finnick and Mags picked me up and the doctor gave me a bag of pills with lengthy instructions on when to take each one. They're allegedly supposed to help my brain feel better.

The train ride to 4 was a quick 5 hours. I signed with Mags the whole way back while Finnick napped. He seems like he could use some therapy. I can't imagine how stressful Mags' stroke must have been for him.

I'm glad Mags is somewhat ok. She is like a mother to me, and reminds me a lot of my own mother who I lost at 7. I still have calls with my therapist every week but outside of that I am free to do what I please. I can't wait to see Annie!

Arriving at the station, I jump to my feet. I'm probably in better shape now than I was before my games due to the exercise plan the doctors had me on. They also made sure I ate a good amount.

"Annie!" I scream as I race towards the red head, the doors barely even opening.

"Ams!" she cried. "I missed you so much."

"Are you moving in with me?" I asked.

"Yes but dad says I have to visit twice a week so he doesn't miss me too much. I don't know if Devon will visit us as he doesn't want to upset you, but I think mom is going to check in on us and bring us food. We already moved in all of our stuff earlier this week."

Excited, you begin your trek to Victor's Village, following quickly behind Mags and Finnick.

Your new house is even bigger than the mayor's house. Stepping inside, you find it full of your belongings, as well as brand new furniture and art. Amazed, Annie gives you the tour.

"And this is our room," she beams, showing you the master bedroom on the second floor. "It's the biggest of course and we each get our own closet!" You were happy to be sharing a room again with Annie.

Mrs. Cresta came over for dinner as well as Mags. Finnick was apparently busy but you didn't mind his lack of attendance. You knew he wouldn't hurt you, your therapist convinced you of that, but he confused you and you weren't in the mood for confusing social interactions tonight.

*Tomorrow you are invited to dinner at my house with the other victors,* Mags signed to Amily.

*Can Annie come?* you ask.

*Of course,* Mags responded.

After everyone left, you took your night meds and passed out in your new bed, Annie softly snoring a few feet away from you.

You knocked on Mags' door at 5pm sharp the next evening, Annie waiting anxiously next to you.

"It's fine Annie I am sure they're nice people," you sigh, grabbing her hand. You were not a fan of new people but you figured it was probably good to meet your neighbors. A tall man in his early thirties opened the door a few seconds later.

"What's up girls?," greeted the man. "Why don't you come in? Mags and Mimi are finishing up making dinner."

You walk in to Mags' house. It's the same layout as yours but it's clearly been lived in longer. The man who let you in, who you now know is Anchor, introduces you and Annie to everyone.

Anchor Smith is a tall man with dirty blond hair. He won the 56th games at 16, making him 32 years old.

Next you met who seemed to be Mags's best friend, Warren Grey. He won his games (the 27th) at 18, making him 61 now. You can see why him and Mags are so close. He was the first victor she brought home.

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