Chapter 2

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Morning had come too soon. The house was frantic as the three children rushed to get ready for the reaping. As the mayor's "children" they had an image to uphold. I found myself dressed in a black wrap dress that hit my mid thighs, my long brown hair left in its natural but slightly tamed beach waves. Annie sat next to me in her sea green dress and her long red hair up in a braid. Devon was eagerly discussing his classmate Dorian's prospects of winning with his father, since I guess he was finally approved to volunteer.

"Ok you three, your father and I must be going now to prepare for the reaping. I expect you all there no later than 11:00 sharp!" exclaimed Mrs. Cresta. She left with Mr. Cresta and Devon quickly left to meet up with his academy buddies.

"So any cute guys catch your attention?" Annie asked. She hated silence more than anything and always needed to fill the silence with conversation. "Or girls you know. They're pretty too."
"Nope no guys or girls," you laughed.
"Oh come on Ams, I know of at least half a dozen guys who would be interested in you and a few girls too. Why don't you give love a chance for once?" pleads Annie.
"Annie first off, love is your thing not mine, and second off, I am perfectly content being my own problem and not anyone else's," you respond. "Why don't you give some guy a chance?"
"Well just because I'm interested in guys doesn't mean they're interested in me," sighs Annie.
Glancing at the clock you realize you need to leave for the town square. You both get up and walk out the front door, making sure to smooth out your dresses and adjust your hair before anyone sees you.

The walk to the square is a quick 5 minutes. By the time you arrive (11:00 on the dot) there is still barely anyone there. Mrs. Cresta has a heightened sense of punctuality so you always end up being early, and in this case 30 minutes before most people will show up. Annie and you both check in and make your way to the 18 year old female section.

"Earth to Ams. Amily Maria Tides, hello," stated Annie. You didn't even realized you had spaced out. You had a bad habit of turning your brain off in anxious situations, the reaping being one of them.

"Sorry I was checked out," you muttered.
"So you weren't looking at Finnick Odair?" Annie asked.
"Who? Sorry that's a stupid question. No I wasn't Annie. For your information I was looking at the pavement," you respond, annoyed.

Finnick Odair stood upon the stage with the other victors of district 4 and Mr. Cresta. He had won the games 5 years ago at the age of 14, a games which you know you watched but don't remember much of (probably because games are anxiety inducing and your brain likes to block out those parts). You had seen him around the pre-academy as kids but he was a grade above you so you never talked. All the girls at the academy swooned over him and were heartbroken when he was reaped. Apparently, it was real academy drama when nobody volunteered for him. Luckily, his few years of training and his charm lead him to win his games and return home to 4. The victors lived further south of the mayor's house, where the beaches were more for leisure and not for boats and fishing so you never ran into any of them. You also always stayed in your room when Mr. Cresta had any victors or other guests over.

"Oh come on he's so dreamy!!! He's definitely your type," quipped Annie.
"Annie you and I both know I don't have a type. I hate everyone equally."

That wasn't entirely true though. You longed for someone to love and appreciate you but you always felt like you would be a burden to them with all of your bad mental days. That and the fact you had yet to figure out whether you liked guys or girls (or both maybe???) and people are confusing.

The crowd, which you had failed to notice until now, quieted down as Valencia Rose, District 4's escort, made her way to the microphone. She was dressed in rose red and her dress looked like it was made out of flower petals.

"Welcome to the reaping of the 70th hunger games!" Valencia shrieked into the microphone. "First we will watch a lovely video from the capital and then we will select our lucky tributes for this very special 70th games!"
"War... terrible war..."

Your mind completely checked out. It didn't check back in again till you heard gasps around you and Annie's hand start shaking. You didn't realize what was happening until you saw Annie making her way to the stage, a slip of paper in Valencia's hand.

"No..." you muttered in disbelief. You watched as Annie tried to appear strong in front of the whole district but you could see how terrified she truly was. Annie was going to die in that arena. The only person you cared about was leaving you forever.

"I volunteer as tribute!"
You sigh in relief until you notice your hand is up and everyone is looking at you. Did I really just do that?

Making your way up to the stage you pass a shaking Annie who is trying to keep it together. You can't even look at her or you will fall apart yourself.

"Wow a volunteer!" Valencia exclaims. "Would you mind telling us all your name?"
Valencia probably should have known the mayor's family, however with it being her first year as an escort she clearly hadn't done any research.
"Amily Tides" you respond into the mic.
"Why did you volunteer? Are you excited to bring honor to your district?" Valencia eagerly asked.
"No." The crowd was silent. "I did it to save my sister. My sister Annie." You could see Annie crying in the crowd now, tears streaming down her face.

"Well that was brave of you..." remarked Valencia. "onto the boys!"

AN: We have finally met Finnick! Their friendship won't truly develop until after Amily's games but he will be a consistent character throughout the next few chapters.
As you may have guessed, Amily essentially follows Annie's original plot but Annie is still in this story as a side character :)

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