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I am enchanted to meet you.
Anata ni o ai dekite totemo ureshidesu.

Monza, Italy; October 23, 2027

ELIANA DID NOT come out of her room because of what happened at the party. The two have already confessed and Eliana is ashamed to meet Ran.

Ran is also shy to the girl and every time Mattia mentions the girl's name, his face turns red.

Until Eliana couldn't stand it anymore, she went out but still didn't meet Ran and went straight to Karen's house who was her friend in Monza.

"Ka-Karen," Eliana said and she also saw Ran inside Karen's house.

Eliana's mouth dropped because of that. Karen let the girl in. "Eliana, here's Ra . . ."

"Ran Takahashi, what are you doing here?" Eliana asks raising her eyebrows at the same time.

"S-She's my friend too," Ran said and couldn't help but stutter. He is still ashamed. "Right, obaachan?"

"Yes, yes!" Karen said. "You can also call me obaachan."

"Obaachan!" Eliana hugged an old lady and said, "Ran is so mean to me! He makes me angry!"

Ran's face got redder like a tomato. "Eli . . ."

"Let's reconcile the problem here since both of you are here," Karen said, which is why Eliana sat on the couch. The distance of both is one meter. Eliana moved away a little because she was shy of Ran. "You both like each other right? Then date!"

Eliana turned while her face was still red and Ran looked away from Karen. "It will never be solved if you both don't look at each other. Think about what I said."

Eliana and Ran soon left Karen's house. Ran is the one who made the first move. "Eli, don't ignore me. I-I don't know what to do . . . Please."

Eliana looked at Ran. "Then let's date!" Eliana said. She managed to be brave telling that. "There's nothing wrong about that, Ran. I will date you and I won't reject you, because you're important to me."

Ran held Eliana's hand. Ran couldn't help but tighten his grip and hug Eliana. "Damn, I feel so loved Eli."

AFTER Ran's practice, the two went on a date in Padova. The trip was three hours but it didn't cause a delay to go out.

Padova is one of Ran's favorite places in Italy so he took Eliana there. No one recognized them so they were free to walk around. If they happened to be in the Philippines, they would definitely cause a ruckus because they would see Ran.

"It's just my dream of being with you, Ran," Eliana said. "Kinililig ako!"

"Damn, Eli, kinikilig din ako!" Ran said and laughed. "Let's have a video call with your friends too," Ran asked. Eliana already had a video call with her family. The two have already said that they are in a relationship. Eliana's mother and sister agreed but her father was undecided because he wanted to see Ran in person.

"Do you have a first kiss, Eli?" Ran asked while they were walking around holding their hands. "Just asking."

"The truth is, I don't have a first kiss because I'm NBSB, no boyfriend since birth," Eliana said to Ran. "And if I had a first kiss, that person is sure that he will be marrying me. I want to preserve myself until the day I marry." Ran nodded at Eliana's answer. "How about you?"

"I have no first kiss," Ran answered which was true. He doesn't mention that he had a relationship before since he wasn't ready to mention it.

After that, Ran had a video call with Nixie. Nixie was delighted while talking to Ran.

"Kuya Ran, just don't hurt her. She's precious like a gem. She always tells a story about you. Almost every day and I'm so happy that you are both together," Nixie said.

"Tell me if she tells a story about me again, I want to hear about that," Ran said while smiling.
After talking to Nixie, Ran talked to Jaz alone.

"Don't hurt my friend or else I will ban you here in the Philippines!" Jaz threatened.

"Promise, Jaz!" Ran said and looked at Eliana who was taking pictures of the scenery. "I won't hurt her."

After that, it was Shiela who video-called Ran. "Dzai!"

"Hey, why did you get called?" Shiela asked and realized that Ran was with Eliana in the video call. "Do you have something?"

"We're dating," Eliana revealed while looking at Ran. "I will leave my phone with him, he wants to know my friends too that's why. You can talk to him."

"Sure! Sure!" said Shiela and gave the phone to Ran.

Shiela is one of Eliana's good friends and is very aware of the struggles in Eliana's life. "She's my best friend so don't hurt her. I won't forgive you if you do that."

"I won't hurt her," said Ran. "Shiela, do you know Jeremy since both of you have been best friends since her college life," Ran said. He is indeed serious about Jeremy. He will not forget that because he has a feeling that there is something between the two before.

"She didn't tell you, did you?" Shiela asked. "Don't get jealous if I tell you that it's Eliana's friend and ex-crush." Ran's eyes widened which made him realize the connection between Eliana and Jeremy. "Before she knew you, she had feelings for Jeremy but that was just past. I know that when she found you on YT and started crushing you, she was loyal to you that's why she's still into you until now."

Ran looked back at her girl and smiled. "I'm glad that she waits for me until we find each other."

"Yes, so don't hurt her. She's a really serious person. Please, don't let her smile fade," Shiela said. "Just like a song enchanted, she was enchanted to meet you and hope that you don't fall in love with someone else.

After their talk, Ran and Eliana went around Padova. The two took pictures for their memories. "The place, it's an art."

Eliana didn't realize that Ran was taking pictures of her secretly. "I love your smile, Eli, please smile more."

Eliana looked and grinned while also taking a picture of Ran. "Please, smile more too!"

"Eli," Ran called Eliana, which is why Eliana looked at her. "Can I sing a song to you?"

Eliana nodded and Ran borrowed a guitar from the stranger. It was so kind that he lent it to Ran while watching Ran strumming the guitar.

Eliana's chest beat faster when she heard the familiar tone she used to sing before she and Ran met.

"And it was enchanting to meet you,
all I can say is I was enchanted to meet you. This night is sparkling don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home.
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew if I was enchanted to meet you."

Eliana gives Ran a turn to sing. She's emotional right now because it was a good song sung by her love. She used to sing Enchanted for Ran but now Ran sings for him.

"And this is me praying that it was a very first page,

Not where the storyline ends,

My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again,

These are the words that I held back.

As I was leaving too soon,

I was enchanted to meet you."

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