Part 1: prom night

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"OLIVER GET OUT OF BED YOUR GOING TO BE LATE" his mother Katie yelled barging into his room. "OLIVER" she yelled holding his nerf gun.  "Oliver if you don't get up I swear you will regret it" she blurted starting to load it with nerf bullets. "OWW MOM, FINE I WILL GET UP JUST STOP" Oliver wined getting up, he new he had to see Gina today that's why he didn't want to go to school. They had broken up before she left for that ballet school, she dumped him before she left so he had been really sad lately.

Coopers POV
"Hola Mrs Otto, I'm here to pickup Oliver!" I said walking to the table. "Oliver's upstairs." Katie said heading to her second breakfast with Doris and Angela. "OLIVER, COOPERS HERE" Mrs Otto yelled from the door before slamming it. "Ok" Oliver said walking down the stairs putting his belt on. "Hey dude, you ready?" I said grabbing my Gucci bag heading to the door. "Yea I'm ready" Oliver said frowning at me. "Bro what's wrong, is it about Gina coming back today?" I asked heading to my car, he just nodded and got in.

I will post on Monday sorry.

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