Start from the beginning

"in what way was he stronger than the rest?"I asked curiously

"Absalom is immortal like all vampires just that normal conventional weapons cannot harm him, Absalom consume blood like other vampires but he along with the royals can use their blood to heal,it is also possible for him to obtain powers of those blood he consumed and he can also absorb blood via his claws rather than just his fangs, Absalom can also control the shadows as the blood god Absalom blood flows through all vampires so he can control them,read their mind and also communicate with them telepathically ,he can also pinpoint their location no matter where they are even if they are hidden by a barrier, Absalom has great strength, speed and durability than other vampires ,he can also create fogs and can detect the location of anyone inside"he said

"so he doesn't have any weakness?"I asked

"yes,he doesn't have any"he said

"WOW"I said and he continued telling me more things about the supernatural

"now let's start the real training"he said

"have you ever used a bow and arrow before?"he asked

"no"I said and he gave me a bow and arrow

"I want you to aim at the tallest tree"he said

"but I haven't done it before"I said

"well this is your first training"he said

"I don't know what to do"I said

"you are learning child"he said

"okay"I said

"stand upright with feet shoulder width apart and feet at 90 degree to the target"he said and I did it

"next keep relaxed grip on the bow handle,next turn the bow so it is horizontal and the arrow rest is facing upward. Place the bow on the shelf of the arrow rest,push the nock of the arrow on to the string between the two brass nocking point, ensuring that the nock fletch, that is the odd coloured one is pointing upward, bring the bow back to vertical"he said helping me out a little until I got it right

"position your fingers on the string with the index finger above the arrow and two fingers below, the string should seat in the last cease of your fingers that is nearest to your fingertip"he said but I did it in the wrong way and he helped me out

"to draw do not grip the arrow with your fingers. pull back the string using your back muscles,not your bicep or arm pull back the string so that the index of the pulling hand is under the chin and the string touches your nose and lips"he said and he helped me do it

"next use your 'dominant eye' by looking down the arrow and align it with the target,then relax your grip on the string and allow your fingers slip backward. Then after shooting maintain your body position"he said and I did it but missed the target

"ruby you need to focus, focus on your target"he said and then I did everything again the same way only that this time I took away every form of distraction and focused on the only target I had,the tree......and then I released the arrow and it hit the tree

"that is it child, focus"he said and I smiled

"it's getting late let's go home"he said

"okay uncle"I said.

We walked back home and he gave me a liquid to drink and I drank it, it had a metallic taste like blood and it tasted differently from water

"welcome home love"aunt Karen said and gave master Archibald a kiss on his lips

"how are you?"he asked

"not really good" she said pouting

"and why is that?"he asked raising his eyebrow

"well I was lonely as usual where did you two go?"she asked still pouting

"we went training"he said and quickly pecked her lips before he went inside

"how dare you do that arch"she said with her hands on her waist and I stood there smiling

"oh my dear ruby I didn't know you were there, I'm sorry you saw that"she said blushing

"it's okay aunt"I said with a smile

"there is food on the dining table"she said and I walked inside.

I quickly ate and went to bed very tired because today's training was very exhausting.

Picture of the house

Picture of Archibald

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Picture of Archibald

Picture of Archibald

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Picture of Karen

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