When he told me he was a millionaire I thought maybe he meant like ten million or at most one hundred million. Not nine hundred and ninety nine million.

"A fucking billionaire. My best friend is fucking a billionaire! Oh Iz, you have to get pregnant."

I look at Brynn with wide eyes. Thank god I took that Plan B because there's no way in hell I'm having a billionaire's kid. "I'm not getting pregnant! And need I remind you of the last woman who tried to get access to his money?"

"Yeah, she stole millions and he let her."

"Brynn, she's not having a child to get access to his money. He'd make her sign shit anyways, there's no way he'd leave himself vulnerable like that again." Kat thankfully is on my side with this one.

"Okay so now what? He's gonna be a billionaire probably by the end of the month and he didn't tell you?"

"Well I don't make a habit of asking him his financial status. I just thought he was a rich guy, maybe a couple million but like, not a billion!"

"Do you think he was keeping it from you on purpose? I mean, I don't think you close on a major deal and then not tell your girlfriend that you're gonna be a billionaire. This article is from a few days ago and he clearly knows his merger went through."

"Maybe he thinks you know already. I mean you look up his name and it's everywhere."

My head spins at how insane this situation is. But of course Harry wouldn't tell me that he's gonna be a billionaire. I get paid bi-monthly and our arrangement is only supposed to last like four more months. But it's not like I can just tell that to the girls, then I'd really be breaking our contract.

I'm actually fucking a billionaire.

"I mean we aren't even that serious yet. I don't expect him to tell me stuff like that, especially after how his last relationship ended. He's probably really guarded when it comes to his finances and I don't blame him." Thank god I can use his crazy ex wife as a scapegoat right now.

"You should ask him about it though. Maybe he was just waiting for everything to be definite? Maybe he doesn't count his money until it's in his bank account." Kat does her best to be the voice of reason.

But to make matters worse, Harry finally decides to call me. As the girls continue to talk about Harry's newfound financial status, I build up the courage to actually answer the phone. I think my life is a joke.

"Guys, guys!" I yell over them. "Shut up! It's him!" They immediately quiet down so I can pick up the phone.

"Hey." I hope he can't tell we were just talking about him. That would be really embarrassing. Does he have my phone bugged?

"Hey... How've you been?" He sounds tired, but also as if he's being extra cautious around me.

"Um, okay, I guess... How about you? I feel like we haven't talked in a while..."

He sighs, "I'm sorry it's been so quiet on my end, work has been kicking my ass. I've barely had time to spend with Ottilie. I think you've seen her more than I have this week."

Yeah, I know. You're busy becoming a billionaire. "Oh, no problem. I get it... Is everything okay at work?"

"Everything's fine. It's just been back to back meetings that run so late.  But listen, I just wanted to call because this upcoming week I don't think that I'll be able to get to the apartment, I'm gonna be working late and Mel's gonna be dropping Ottie off at the studio. I just wanted you to hear it from me beforehand."

"Oh. O-okay. Yeah, that's okay..." It's hard to hide the disappointment in my voice. I shouldn't have freaked out on him like that. I should've just opened up. Now he's just avoiding me. Sending his daughter's nanny to drop her off at the studio so he can avoid me as much as possible.

"But, I was hoping you had the eleventh free to go out? I'm getting about two weeks off starting then and I want to make up for all this time. Whatever you want to do, I'm completely free by then."

Well I wasn't expecting that. "Yeah, that sounds good, I'm definitely free. I guess I'll let you know where we can go or something."

"Awesome! I'm looking forward to it. I'll be in touch with you and I'm gonna try my very best to get Ottie to dance by myself on Wednesday. I really just want to see you and talk in person and check in." I can hear the slight smile in his voice and can almost picture him relaxing behind his big desk.

"Yeah, of course. Don't sweat it though, if you can't make it then we can talk on the eleventh."

"Of course. I'll text you later tonight, alright?"

"I'm sure you will. Talk to you later, H."

When the phone call ends, Brynn and Kat look at me expectantly. Both look slightly disappointed that we weren't all lovey-dovey on the phone and they can't even hide it. Harry's just a serious guy. Plus, you know, we aren't actually in a relationship.

Brynn doesn't hold back. "You two have been dating for like two months now and that is how you talk on the phone? It's like you just met yesterday!"

"Brynn!" Kat chastises her, eyes wide in shock that she just went there like that.

"We were both thinking it!" She defends herself, looking to me for an answer.

Oh I'm weaving myself a dangerous web right now. One that is going to be very hard to climb out of when this contract is over. I just hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.


billionaire daddy ceo harry yum


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