Chapter Eight: The Meeting

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Time let out a breath when Light and Violet Steve left, waving goodbye as they left. The noise from the town outside stopped once the door clicked shut, leaving them in almost complete silence.

Sabre groaned wear he sat, falling over onto his side. He bounced slightly from the couch cushions springing back up. The force also lightly jolsting him.

Sabre was just short enough to where his head didn't land on Time's legs. Sabre's hair however was long enough to have some strands be able to reach. "This is going to be the longest hour ever." He moaned.

The pillow that he accidentally discarded laid forgotten on the floor as Sabre began using the blanket as one instead. He shimmied side to side, laying on his back as he tried to get comfortable. Sabre's legs were bent at the knee, leaning against the back of the couch. "You were close. " Time informed. "It's going to be a long hour, three minutes, and fifty five seconds."

Sabre just raised his hand and smacked it on the side of his face. Well, tried to at least, since only the tips of his fingers could reach. "Shush." His head was craned backwards as far as it could go due to anatomy and the couch. A few longer pieces of hair laid over his blindfold as he moved. Time chuckled when Sabre accidentally got a strand in his mouth much to Sabre's chagrin. "Gross." He spat out the hair strands.

Time lightly grabbed a few of the longer parts, messing with his hair. "Your hair is getting quite long." Time commented. "When was the last time it was cut?"

Sabre shifted slightly. He blew the last few strands away from his mouth. "Uh.... Cut or trim?"

"Doesn't matter."

Sabre huffed, mouth pressed into a line. "Before Rainbow betrayed us."

Ah. Time blinked. "That was a while ago."

"What?" Sabre tilted his head backwards again. The few strands of hair in between Time's fingers slipped out. "Not going to give me the exact amount of time?"

Time raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to?"

"Absolutely not." Sabre stopped craning his head backwards, going into a more comfortable position. He wiggled slightly, and the blanket shifted to become slightly flatter.

Time snorted. "After tonight, we can cut it if you like. Though I might not be the best person for that."

Sabre snorted. "Yeah. You have no hairstyle. Just a straight across cut."

"It's pointless to have layers when I'm just going to put it in a ponytail."

Sabre huffed. "Yeah yeah. I think I'll keep it how it is for now."

Time hummed, playing with a few strands of hair. The ticking from the clock on the wall was the only sound to fill the area.



"You seem oddly calm for the situation at hand."

Time could feel the eye roll. "Yeah well. Hate to break it to ya chief, but I'd take longer than Light and Violet. Ya know, powerless human over here." He yawned. Odd. Usually he was more awake by now. "Plus it's warm and comfortable right here."

Time could only blink down. He was honestly surprised Sabre wasn't bouncing off the walls at the moment.

"Are you scared?"

Sabre shifted slightly. "What? No? Wha' do ya mean?"

"There is going to be another human here. Are you scared you won't get along?"

Sabre scrunched his nose up. There was a brief paused before he continued. "...It's going to sound weird."

"Go on."

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