the withered flower

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a bitter yet sweet memories of us.

i was once again reminded of the love you gave me

it was genuine

it was innocent

it was real

the happy memories

the fights

it was all worth it

because it became the imperfection of the both of us.

i am forever grateful to you

the one who cried with me

the one who laughed with me

the one who taught me that it's okay to be weak

when someone can be my strength

now, guess what? 

i am now my own strength

and i now shine the brightest

i'm still in the process of healing

but that's okay

small process is still a process

and right now, i am the happiest

a kind of happiness i never experienced

i may be alone

but now, i learned how to rely on myself

I learned that, it's okay to failed

because failure is a process

not a person. not me.

to the withered flower i met 2 years ago

thank you, and goodbye.

i am forever grateful to you.

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