Chapter 3.

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The next day. "Y/n!! Honey!! Wake up" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Ugh.." I said. I got out of bed and did my morning routine, brush my teeth, change clothes, brush hair.

"Ok, mom, dad, byee" I said walking out the door.

As I was walking I saw ruby. She ran up to me.
"Hey, y/n. Can we talk?"


We sat down on a bench. "I'm so sorry about yesterday, I was just tired and I don't know what I was thinking"

I could tell she was actually sorry. "It's ok, Ruby. I'm sorry too"

She smiled as we hugged it out. "So, we're good?" She asked.

"We're good, ruby". I walked with her to school.

"I have to go to the bathroom" Ruby said

"Oh ok. I'll come too"

We walked in. Ruby went to a stall and I waited out of it. When I was waiting I saw Chelsea walk in with people with her.

"You know, your going to need a bodyguard with a kraken running loose" a boy said. What was he even doing in the girls bathroom?

"Aww, your sweet" Chelsea replied to the boy.

Ruby walked out of the stall. "Chelsea, I need to talk to you"

Chelsea looked up and down at her "ok, everyone out" she said as she sat on the sink.

"Alright, what's up?" Chelsea asked

"Chelsea, about last night. I am sor-" Ruby started but Chelsea out her finger on her lips before she could say anything else.

"Sorry's are so corny. Just skip to the part where you tell me everything" she said

"Look" Ruby sighed "your here on land for one day and you already fit in. I been here all my life and I still feel like a freak"

Chelsea looked like she felt bad for Ruby. "I just want to be ruby Gillman, normal teenager"

"Oh, boo. Where's the fun in that?" Chelsea said, getting off the sink. "Your a giant kraken! Don't you think you could aim a little bit higher?" She finished.

Ruby frowned. "aww, my cute little floppy baby guppy girl" Chelsea said, touching her cheeks on her face.

"You know what you guys need?" She looked at both of us. "Great hair and a mermaid tail" Ruby said.

"No, but it would help" Chelsea said. "You need a super sea girl ditch day!" Chelsea continued.

"Uhm..yeah! Let's do it" me and ruby said. "Oh and here" Chelsea said giving me stuff so I can breath underwater.

"Thanks but where did you get this from?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about that" she grabbed me and ruby's hand and took us outside to the water.

                              ~Time skip~

Me, Ruby and Chelsea all were laying down on the sand. "I still can't believe your mom hid all of this from you" Chelsea said to ruby.

"Hiding is surviving, that is the Gillman motto" Ruby said

"Mottos are stupid. That's my motto. I hate hiding" chelsea said

"But your crushing at school, everyone loves you" me and ruby said

"You have everything" I said

"Pfft, no I don't. Every since the battle of the trident, all us mermaids have been in hiding. I couldn't take it anymore, I felt trapped so I ran away but when I ended up at Oceanside high, I was alone, no one could see the real me but then I found you guys. My super sea girls besties"

"Everything would be fine if it wasn't for this mermaid and kraken war. We could be like This forever and with y/n of course" Ruby said

"Oh, yeah but three teenagers can't change history" Chelsea said

"Wait. what's the first rule of being a mathlete?" Ruby asked us

"Never talk about being a mathlete?" Chelsea said

"Uhh...that's close. It's actually we have evacuate the problem" I said

"Oh, right" Chelsea said

"Guys, come on. There must be one way to end this war so we could hang out together" Ruby said

"Well, there is one way" Chelsea said

"What is it?" I asked

"Follow me" Chelsea insisted

We both followed her to this volcano in the ground. "What is that?" Ruby asked

"That is a volcano. After the battle for the trident between our mothers. Your mom hid it in there, my mom sadly died trying to get it back" Chelsea said

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Ruby said

I put my hand in her shoulder and hugged her. "Only a kraken can survive that volcano" Chelsea said

We both looked at ruby. "Please do it, ruby" I begged

"Ok ok. I will" she said

"Wait! Don't kraken have powers?" I asked

"Do you have powers, ruby?" Chelsea asked her

"No...but I know where I can get them"

Me and Chelsea smiled "stay right, here I'll be back" Ruby said

Me and were sitting on the rocks. "Chelsea?"

"Yeah, y/n?"

"I'm glad I met you"

She smiled. "Me too, y/n"

I took off my under water thing (whatever it called) off of my mouth and held my breath.

I grabbed her hand and put my other hand on her cheek. "w-what are you doing?" She asked

I kissed her. She put her hand on my cheek too and started to kiss me back.

"Woah.." we heard a voice say

Me and Chelsea stopped kissing and tuned our heads to see ruby. I put the stuff back on my mouth. "Oh, h-hey" I said

"Hey?" Ruby said with a awkward smile

"Did you get your powers?" Chelsea asked

"I got some. My grandma said she'll do the other ones later"

"Oh" me and Chelsea said

"Well, I should go" I said

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