"I already told you once. But apparently--", Slenderman put great emphasis in that word, "--I have to tell you again. I do NOT and WILL NEVER tolerate that kind of behavior."

Okay, maybe I can smack-talk anyone, but Slenderman? Nuh uh.

Maybe him and Coach Hedge. I advise you to avoid blowing their fuse.

"Now--", he said in a more controlled voice, "-- we will help Jhoanna. It is best for us to attack Zalgo now because we are at a great advantage since we have information on his current location."

"Yes. You're welcome.", Tails intervened.

"Yes, we are grateful for your help Tails--", Slender said.

"Really grateful!", Splendy said as he clasped his hands in a joyful manner.

"-- but I am afraid that our manpower will not be sufficient for our attack.", Slender continued.

"Not enough?", E.j. exclaimed, "I'll remind you guys, we have a Holder on our side."

"A Holder? How?", Trender asked, completely amazed and confused at the same time.

"You don't know yet?", E.j. asked.

"We wouldn't be asking if we do E.j..", Splendy said, "So how and when did we have a Holder on our side?"

"Most impotantly, who is the Holder? I heard some of them are really hot.", Offender said, earning a speech from Splendy.

"The Holder of Bloom.", I muttured as I continue to glare at Masky.

"Really?! Oh man! Is she beautiful like they told me?", Offender said, completely ignoring Splendy's words.

"Gorgeous.", I corrected him.

"Why didn't you tell us?", Trenderman said as ge faceplamed.

"I assumed you know since E.j. knows.", I reasoned. E.j. chuckled.

"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go kick Zalgo's ass!", Offender said. The Slenderbrothers started to draw a pentagram on the ground using their tendrils (except for Trenderman, who was using an axe). It looks like a skull with ram horns and a big axe splitting the skull in the middle. Runes and some symbols I don't recognize decorate the sides of the image.

"What are they doing?", I asked E.j. beside me.

"Creating a portal to Zalgo. Don't ask me how they know how to make those shit. But it's sure is helpful.", he replied, just then they finished drawing. The pentagram's lines and runes glowed, the portal emitted hot air, pushing me back a couple of steps but E.j. grabbed my arm to keep me from getting blown away.

Come to think of it, all of the Creepypastas manage to stand their ground, even Sally.

The wind calmed down and a black, swirling wall of fog replaced the pentagram. The fog seems to be overflowing from the hole, some of them reaching my feet. The fog seems to grasp on my pants, giving me goosebumps. I shook them off and they dissolved back to the ground.

"Okay! Who's first?", Splendy said, "No one? Well then, off you go!", he pushed Offender to the hole and I'm sure I heard Offender curse at Splendy. Trenderman calmly stepped in and he sank as well. Slender followed, so did the rest of the Pastas. Soon enough, Splendy and me are the only one remaining.

"(Y/N)! Your turn!", he joyfully said. I stepped forward to the hole and looked at the swirling black fog I am suppose to jump at. "It's okay. You'll land on solid ground anyway. I'm sure it's not that high."

"You sure?"

"100% positive.", he smiled.

'Alright! You can do that (Y/N). For fuck's sake you killed people but you're afraid of some fog an--'

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