2 (the date)

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The next day its Saturday. Pip wakes up and gets ready for the day. When he's done he hears his phone buzz. He picks it up and sees a text message from damien
Damien: hey pip..I was wondering if u wanted to go out today and hang out? But not like a date! (Yea totally not)
Pip: oh well sure damien! That would be great!
Damien: ok great so should we go at 2pm?
Pip:yea sure! Ok I'll see u soon!
Pip puts down his phone and starts to get ready. When he's done  he hears a knocks at his door. He opens the door and sees damien. Oh good day damien!
Damien: hey pip u ready?
Pip: yea I'm ready let's go! But where are u even taking me..?
Damien: it's a surprise I cant tell you!
Pip: oh alright then!
They walk out of his house and start walking.
Pip: u arent gonna kill me or anything like that are u?
Damien: no no dont worry! But why did u ask that?
Pip: well in 3rd grade u tried to kill me and I flew in the air..
Damien: oh it's not gonna be anything like that dont worry!
When they arrive they're at a beautiful park, it's so quiet and no one else is there except for them two.
They sit on the grass and just relax.
Pip: damien why did u want to take me out?
Damien: o-oh no reason I just..I was just bored that's all!
Pip: oh alright then!
They talk for a few hours  and it starts to get late.
Pip:hey..thanks for taking me out I really appreciate it..
Damien:oh it's no problem at all Philip!
Did he call me by my first name..?
W-well alright damien I'll see u on Monday I guess..
Damien: alright bye Philip! He hugs him
Pip feels a weird feeling in his stomach but he hugs him back.
Damien: hey maybe I can walk u home actually!
Pip agrees and they walk to his place.
They arrive a few minutes later.
Just when he gets back it starts raining hard.
Damien: oh..its raining
Pip: hey maybe u can stay over for a sleepover!!
Damien: well..sure but only for 1 day and only because its raining
Pip: yayy ok come on in!
Damien walks In.
Make urself comfortable damien!

(Word count:400)

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