27|Only Strangers with Benefits

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"Well, are you two at least safe?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Evelyn, I'm your father. I'd feel really terrible if a mistake were to happen and you got-"

"I'd what? Get pregnant? Like mom did?"

He sighed. "Bear, don't be like that. I just want to know that he's not doing you wrong. Why is he nothing to you? Is that girl over there his girlfriend? You're better than this Eve."

Maggie brought our waffles and chicken, and we started eating.

"I don't know what they are. We don't talk about it. We barely know each other, and I can't talk about it to anyone."

"Why? Is it because he bullied you?"

I quickly looked up at dad. "How did you..."

"I wasn't always gone. I saw him a few times when I use to pick you up from school."

I looked down. "You must be disappointed that I ended up sleeping with the guy who bullied me. Ironic, isn't it?"

"No, I am glad you're happy and making your own decisions. You two like each other and don't know how to tell each other. Who am I to stop you guys? You're young, have fun."

"What? You're wrong."

"Bear, as soon as you walked in and saw him, a smile came on your face."

I covered my mouth. "No, it didn't."

"And that boy keeps looking over here even though there are five cheerleaders over there drooling over him."

I looked back up at him. "He was?"

Dad nodded. "No matter how broken someone is, they can always be fixed. I believe you can glue him back together, Bear."

"I can't."

"Does he still bully you?"


"Is he mean to you?"


"Well, what's the problem?"

I was glad I got to talk to someone about Haze and I but with my dad? It was weird.

"Dad, can we not talk about this?"

He suddenly got up and started walking.

"Where are you-"

I stopped talking when I saw Haze standing outside.


I got up and ran behind him but I was too late.

"Hi, I'm Steve, Evelyn's father," dad said as he stretched out his hand to Haze.

Haze just watched him.

"Dad, can we please go back inside? You're embarrassing me," I begged.

Haze shook his hand. "Haze."

"You have a very lovely and unique name Haze. I just wanted to meet the man who is trying to get my daughter pregnant."

I cringed.

Haze widened his eyes. "What?"

Dad laughed. "I'm joking, relax. However, I do want you to be safe with my daughter because if you hurt her in anyway or get her pregnant, I'll make sure you regret it. Do you need me to purchase condoms?"

Haze looked on me. I knew he was mad.

"I won't."

Haze furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at my dad. "Wait, don't I know you from somewhere? You said your name was Steve, right?"

Dad nodded his head.

"Shit, you're Steve Parker."

Dad nodded his head again. "In the flesh."

"Wait Haze, how do you know my dad?" I asked.

"Who doesn't? This guy is a legend in football. Managing to achieve sixty hat-tricks in his career. I don't know why you're not in the hall of fame."

Dad clapped. "Looks like you've done your homework."

"Someone from your team is coaching our team, Henry Jackson."

"Really? I've been wondering what Jackson was up to."

I stood there in absolute horror. My dad and Haze were getting along and talking about football.

"I should probably get back to my friends," Haze said before stretching out his hand to dad. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

"Wait! I haven't been following high school football recently but if you ever need a sponsor or scout to back you up, send me your stats," dad said as he handed Haze his business card.

"We will be in touch," Haze said before turning to me. "Eve."


He nodded at me before walking back inside.

"It looks like you got yourself a good fella, Bear. I don't mind him being my son in law."

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry to break it to you but that will never happen."

He laughed before handing me some cash. "Go pay Maggie and tell her to keep the change while I bring the car in front."

I nodded before heading inside.

As I walked in, Ashley started taking a bunch of selfies with Haze.

I couldn't help but feel hurt.

This was a reminder that we are only strangers with benefits.

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