Flashback starts

The house party at Akash's sprawling mansion was in full swing, with music pumping, laughter echoing, and the scent of delicious food wafting through the air. People from all walks of life had gathered to celebrate, creating an electric atmosphere.

Amongst the crowd, Arnav, Akash, and Shyam were the center of attention. They were a tight-knit trio, each with their own distinct personality. Shyam, known for his quick wit and mischievous nature, decided it was the perfect moment to ignite some playful banter.

Shyam, always the joker of the group, decided to poke fun at Arnav's swimming skills. With a mischievous grin, he exclaimed, "Hey Arnav, you're such a Darpok (coward) when it comes to swimming! I bet you can't even swim a single lap without panicking!"

The group erupted into laughter, causing a blush to creep up Arnav's face. He tried to brush off the embarrassment, knowing that it was just playful banter between friends. But Khushi, who was standing at a distance, noticed his discomfort, and it didn't sit well with her.

Khushi had known Arnav since when he was teenage, and though their relationship was complicated as he is best friend of her elder brother, senior to her.ing , she cared deeply for him. She hated seeing him be a made fun of, even if she knew it didn't bother him as much as it appeared to. She made her way to a quiet corner of the yard, where Arnav soon followed.

While everyone around them continued to enjoy the Party , Khushi discreetly made her way towards Arnav, who had moved away from the pool area. As he leaned against a secluded corner, Khushi approached him with a gentle smile.

"Arnav, I can tell that comment bothered you, even if you won't admit it. You know, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. But I know you have a secret desire to overcome your fear of swimming," she said, her voice filled with empathy.

Arnav looked down, his vulnerability shining through. "You're right, Khushi. I've always wanted to swim, to prove to myself that I can conquer this fear. But every time I've tried in the past, I failed, and it became a big joke. I couldn't bear going through that again."

Understanding his concern, Khushi placed a comforting hand on Arnav's arm. "I have an idea, Arnav. What if I teach you how to swim? Just the two of us. No one else needs to know. We can take it at your own pace, and eventually, when you feel ready, you can show everyone just how incredible you are in the water."

Arnav's eyes met Khushi's, and he felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. The idea of learning from someone he trusted, someone who believed in his potential, gave him the courage to entertain the thought.

"You would do that for me, Khushi?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension.

Khushi smiled, her eyes shimmering with determination. "Of course, Arnav. You've always believed in me, supporting me in everything I've done. It's time I return the favor. Together, we'll take on this challenge, and I promise you, your secret will remain safe until the day you're ready to unveil your incredible swimming skills to the world."

Arnav's heart swelled with gratitude. Having Khushi's unwavering support gave him the strength to face his fears head-on. As they rejoined the festive gathering, Arnav couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of excitement. He knew that with Khushi by his side, empowering him every step of the way, he would conquer his fear of swimming. And when the time came, he would proudly show the world just how capable he truly was.

Arnav nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of warmth envelop him. He knew that with Khushi by his side, he could conquer any challenge that came his way. And as they both returned to the lively party, a newfound determination sparked within him - a determination to prove to himself and the world that his perceived shortcomings would never define him

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