ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 15: 𝔐𝔶 𝔟𝔬𝔶

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Finney POV:

We continued down the path, her running ahead as I casually tossed my arm over her shoulder, walking alongside her. "Where to now?" I asked, flashing a smile. "Well, I don't know. Do you want to come to my house?" she suggested, causing me to freeze in surprise. "Uh, yeah, sure," I replied, falling into step with her. Soon, we found ourselves strolling through the neighborhood until she stopped in front of an old-looking building. The tiny white balcony boasted a weathered picnic chair, while the wooden planks showed signs of peeling white paint. The square windows and a yellow dirt path cutting through overgrown grass completed the picture. "I know it's kinda shit, but it feels-right," she explained.

I nodded, following her inside as we engaged in conversation. "So, who do you live with here?" I inquired, gazing at her softly. "Well, when I escaped from the hospital, Jimmy found me sleeping on a park bench. He invited me in for food, water, and a place to stay for the night. Before I knew it, I was living with him," she shared. Her attention turned to me. "And what about you?" she asked. I leaned against the wall, considering her question. "Oh, it's just me, my dad, and my little sister, Gwen," I replied. Her eyes sparkled with a hint of longing. "You have a sister? You're lucky. It must be nice to have someone," she said with a wistful smile. "Yeah, it is," I agreed, both of us falling into a contemplative silence as we took in the surroundings for a moment.

"So, you wanna check out my room?" she casually asked. "Uh, sure, I guess," I replied, attempting to hide my nervousness. It was going to be my first time in a girl's bedroom, after all. She swung the door open, and to my surprise, it wasn't what I had expected. There were no dollhouses or pink walls, but rather a vibrant explosion of colors—posters plastered everywhere and silver stars adorning the ceiling. It wasn't messy; it was just... colorful, in a unique and inviting way.

In that moment, I felt like I truly understood her, like I had a glimpse into her world. Suddenly, music started playing as she put on a record. "I love this song," she laughed, cranking up the volume a notch. "Same," I grinned. "Fox ooooon the Run," I sang, pretending to strum a guitar, which sent her into a fit of laughter. As I stumbled over a small box, causing her laughter to intensify, I asked, "What's that?" She opened the box, revealing its contents. "Oh my god," I exclaimed, lowering the music and crouching down to her level. "Is that what a think it is?" I leaned closer. "A bong? Yes, and you weren't supposed to see that but-" she said, giving me a mischievous look. "Wanna take a hit?" she suggested with a smile. "If I'm smoking for the first time I'd rather it be with you." She took it out, working her druggie magic and setting it up. "It's not even mine, good thing Jimmy's out till tomorrow aha." lighting the joint up, she handed the bong over to me. "So, for your first time it might freak you out, remember- it's not real, but if you really can't handle it I got a asthma puffer" I nodded "Jeez you're really experienced aha" we locked eyes as I took in a deep breath, coughing repeatedly. "Ahaha, it's ok Finney, you'll get the hang of it in time." She took a turn. "You have to breathe it in through your mouth and into your throat at the same time, slowly first- getting deeper into the breath as you inhale it." She spoke, touching it to her mouth. I smirked, this girl was bad...in a good way. She gave me a hit, and soon we were staring at each-other, waiting for the effects to kick in. "I don't feel anything," she remarked, and I agreed, when suddenly my view was warped forward and everything went to fisheye. "Shit, it hit me" I exclaimed, our eyes meeting as we erupted into laughter. I lifted my hands in front of me, watching as they extended, and I felt as if I was melting into the floor. "My teeth feel like sand.." Y/n giggled, eying me with wonder, but I just stared into her eyes, as my view shifted and duplicated. Soon I was staring at parallelograms, layers of different sensations were surrounding my body, and I was staring at Y/n with absolute amazement.

Y/n POV:

In the fading light of the setting sun, I found myself captivated by his exquisite features, the gentle contours of his face beckoning me to touch it. His mere presence brought me comfort, his scent and the softness of his hair adding to the intoxication of the moment. We locked eyes, sharing a laugh, both lost in a hallucinatory haze.

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