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This Will Be A New Henry Cavill Reader fic it was originally a request for an imagine but I decided to make it into a longer fic which would allow me to write more and have more details.

Henry And Vanessa Are Married
Will Henry Get Caught Or No ? The Female Reader Is caught up in a messy love triangle secrets are hidden lies being exposed betrayals and everything in between.

Vanessa Doesn't Know The Reader is having an affair with Henry.
It will all become unraveled each chapter.

I wanted this to be fast paced with a few slow paced parts like interchanging.

I don't specifically want to many side plots which would make it longer than it should be.

Note: This Fic Is Rated R with heavy language very explicit scenes Violence And a few disturbing instances Read With Caution

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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Henry's Dirty SecretTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang