Oh Dumbledork how your plan crumbled

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By the way i changed some things in the inheritance test in part one so if you read that part before July 7th 2023 reread it. - Nixxie

Everyone turned to look at violet.

"What do you mean you are looking for your Best Friend ?"

"Obviously we are looking for our best friend Violet Potter."

"I bet Violet Potter hasn't even heard of u"

"O-of course she has"

"Well She's not in this compartment. Goodbye Weasley"

Before the sorting



"What is your name?"

"My name is Coral Oceanwaves Daughter of Poseidon and Lily"

"Nice to meet you"

Some random kid sees Violet talking with Coral and comes over.

"Hey Potter!"


"why you talkin' with a mudblood?"

"A what?"

"A mudblood or muggleborn"

"ah i see... well... what is your name?"

"Smith Zacharias Smith A Pureblood... unlike her."

"Well Smith you might want to know that... just because someone is a muggleborn that does not make them any weaker than you, if anything it makes the stronger seeing as they were handpicked by Lady Mgic herself to be a wizard while you are just descendants of the ones she originally picked. Also the magical community has been suffering due to inbreeding. for example the black family used to have the very common trait of Metamorphmagus but ever since the Blacks had the idea to marry their cousins it has started to disappear. But one Andromeda Tonks Decided to marry a muggleborn and their child Nymphadora Tonks happen to be a Metamorphmagus. I happen to have been blood adopted by Sirius Black and I just so happen to also be an Metamorphmagus myself and my mother was a Muggleborn."

At this point Professor McGonagall had returned and she heard their conversation. She beamed at Violet and said " Is it alright dear if I share this with the school after the sorting?"

"Yes of course some people need to be enlightened."


At the sorting

"Violet Potter!"

Violet slowly walked to the hat ignoring the whispers of the other students.

She sat down and put the hat on.

Ah miss Violet Long time no see

yes yes allays please continue on with the sorting.

alright my dear... well 

"SLYTHERIN!.... RAVENCLAW......GRYFFINDOR......HUFFLEPUFF..............................COMBINE!"


At that moment a table appeared between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables. The banner was violet with a phoenix and metallic blue linings with the word Phoeninemaj (phe-nin-maj).

Violet slowly took off the hat ad walked towards that table. Around the hall many students started glowing purple and they slowly floated towards the Phoeninmaj table. These students consisted of: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Coral Oceanwaves, Blaise Zabini, Millicent Bulstrode, Neville longbottom, Gred and Forge (Fred and George) Weasley, Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott.

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