Chapter 8. Experts

Start from the beginning

Dad: How is the new work? Have they all been treating you well? No problem at all?

Jahoon: Don’t worry Dad. They have all welcomed me very well and even let me into their friend group.

Dad: I know a but is on the way.

I stopped eating as I placed the spoon down. I kind of froze a bit, wondering if I should tell them or not. You know what? Whatever. I came here to visit my parents since I haven’t seen them for a long time but more importantly, since I did want to ask them for advice. I took a deep breath and told them everything that I had experienced with Gyuri and Jiwon. Well, not everything since some information is… well TMI.

Uncle: I have never heard of a situation like that before. As far as I know, the legend is that every person on the planet has one destined partner that they are going to meet sooner or later and that they would know when they find their pinky fingers connected to each other with a red string that would appear every time they are near each other but I have never heard of a case where a person had experienced it with two people.

Jahoon: It’s probably me who has gone crazy then.

Jina: I don’t think that is the case. None of us knows the full extent of the legend. No one truly knows every information about the legend. It could be a possibility.

Aunt: Maybe we can find something in your great-grandmother’s book.

Jina: Book?

Aunt: Yes. Your great-grandmother had a book of information she had gathered in her life about the destiny partner legend. Your grandmother continued that book but neither your mom, your uncle nor me have seen the book but I bet that we can find it among the belongings we gathered when she passed away. Maybe we could see if we can find it.

Mom: Before anything else, let’s finish eating first.

We all finished eating and walked up to the roof to find the book. Well not all of us because my dad and uncle were looking after the small kids and Mimi, who was trying to run away from the kids since they were trying to put makeup on her and climb on her. She got to see the future when she had her own kids. It took us a while but we eventually managed to find the book.

Mom: I didn’t really think that we would be able to find it. Both Mom and Grandma always talked about the book like it was an urban myth or something.

We got back down to the living room to see both of my dad and uncle kind of strapped down by the small kids as they almost had a full “beautiful” face of makeup. We all bit our cheeks and lips as we tried not to laugh at them. Both of them were glaring at us like they were telling us not to laugh.

Dad: Don't ask.

Uncle: And do not dare to laugh.

We nodded but in the end, we couldn’t help but laugh. I noticed my mom and aunt-in-law taking pictures of them. They were for sure going on the next Christmas cards. We waited for Dad and Uncle to clean up before we all sat down to read the book, more importantly, try to find out if you could have two partners.

Aunt: Here! I think I have found something!

We all crowded closely around my aunt and tried to look over her shoulders.

Aunt: It seems like you are able to have two destined partners but there have only been three cases up until now. Maybe a few more, we don’t really know.

Dad: I always knew that you were a special kid but I never knew that you were this special. But I never knew that you were this special.

Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a pat. I looked at him with knitted eyebrows as I wasn’t quite sure if he was dissing me or complimenting me. I will take it as a compliment for now.

Jahoon: Is there any other information about what happened? Anything about what happened to them?

Aunt: Let me try and see.

My aunt flipped around through the book until she reached a page of interest.

Aunt: I have found one. Actually two. In one case the results were that the person got together with both of his destined partners. In the other case, it seems like one of the people that should have been her destined partner wasn’t her partner in the end so she ended up with only one partner.

Jahoon: So… we are back to square one.

Uncle: Not quite. We found out that it is possible for you to have two partners.

Jina: How did that girl find out that the other one wasn’t her partner?

Aunt: Seems like she just found it out with time.

Dad: What about the third case? Maybe we can find out which outcome is much more likely to happen.

Aunt: I can’t seem to find anything about it. Did a piece of the book fall out or something? It seems like anything could happen at this point. You would just have to wait with the time.

Mom: Jahoon honey. No matter what happens, always choose with your heart. It is better to be with someone that you truly love than one you choose who may be a better fit. Sometimes the better fit isn't always the person you love.

Dad: Your mom is right. It would end up being too awful to be with someone you don’t even like.

Both mom and dad looked at me with a little concern. I smiled and reassured them that it wasn’t going to be the case and that I would choose someone that I love. We spent the rest of the day looking through the book and all of the stories that we could find in the book. It was well into the night when I decided to go back home.

Jahoon: I should get back home now. It is late at night after all and I also have work tomorrow.

Mom, Dad and Jina walked me over to the door as I took on my shoes and jacket.

Jahoon: Mimi! Come on! It’s time to go home! Where is she?

We all looked for her until we saw her completely overpowered by the kids as they all were hugging her and laying on top of her. She was kind of looking at us like she was asking for help. We all tried not to laugh but in the end, we couldn’t help it.

Jahoon: Well, it seems like someone has become a superstar.

We helped Mimi free from the small prison she was in and finally was able to get home. And of course, Mimi didn’t let what happened go and let me know that I should compensate her greatly for it.

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