If Wooly saved you from a drunk man

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Wooly and you were out for a walk in the park. And he needed to use the bathroom. "I have to use the bathroom Y/N but there's no restrooms around" He said. "Do you feel comfortable going in a bush? " You asked. "I guess" He hesitated. He ran off to find a bush to do his business.  Suddenly a drunk man approaches behind you. "HeY PRetty Lady!" He slurred while rolling his R's. "What do you want?" You ask in worry. "You know you want me baby" He slurred again. He grabs you by the neck and tries reaching his hand to your crotch. "WOOLY!!!" You shout. The man is Suddenly interrupted by a flower pot being thrown at his head which knocks him out. You look where the folwer pot came from. You see Wooly panting with a pissed off look. "You okay honey?" He asks. "Yes, some drunk man tried to sexually assault me" you say. "Let's run home, he could get up any minute now." He says. You both run home to safety.

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Wooly the Sheep x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now