Love atop the barricade

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Inspiration from mermaidmarissa12398, Enjolras' POV. Thank you so much for reading this. I apologize for any spelling and grammar this is my first story. All of these characters belong to the original writer of Les Miserables Victor Hugo.

I remember that night, I just might regret that night until I die. The streets were stained with shining blood as the love of my life, Éponine died. Or so I thought. Marius Pontmercy held her limp body close to his chest until some other men and I walked up to them and took my love to an empty cafe. Once they left I was taken aback with even in her death she still pertained her pure beauty. Then as I reach down to hold her hand I can't help myself but to think. Why did you have to die Éponine! I love you! You looked at Marius the way that I looked at you. You will never see my love for you. As I kneeled down to touch her face one last time, as I did her lips parted and a gasp came out of her mouth,

"Enjolras!" She weakly said.

"Eponine! You're alive!" I quietly echoed.

I yelled for the women in the windows. They ushered us up to a room where a single woman in a white doctor robe. They insisted that I stayed out of the room for the bullet extraction. I stayed outside the door and waited and listened to her faint screams of pain as the other women and the doctor said they were going to be alright and she was almost done. When they called me back they informed me that she was resting and that she would be fine. I walked to her lying on a makeshift bed and held her hand. Her figure was small and I just wanted to hold her in my arms and keep her safe. She slowly moved her eyes to me and asked me if I was okay and not harmed.

"Are you okay, Enjolras?"
"Yes my dear." I reassured her.
She reached up and caressed my face and ran her hand through my blonde hair.

"I always thought that I would end up with Marius but he was always oblivious to me and then I ran into you and everyone said that I couldn't be in the revolution. But when I saw you I knew who you were because you are a good friend of Marius. When I saw you the world became a blur. I love you Enjolras."she said.

"I love you too Éponine," I replied.

Thanks again for reading my this and I will continue soon. Please comment and vote.

Words: 451

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