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6 years ago...

"Like, Velma, what's wrong?"

Velma sat in a chair, panting slightly from yelling. Across from her sat a very concerned Norville Rogers, who had just been given the tongue-lashing of a lifetime.

"If you don't, like, tell me, Then how am I supposed to, like, help?"

Velma glared at him, irritated beyond belief. 

"You really thought I wouldn't notice? That you, once again, stood me up to hang out with a dog!?"

Shaggy winced. "But Scoob's like, my best friend. I don't want to, like, make him upset."

She glowered, before her expression changed into something sad. 

"If this is how it's going to be between us, I want out."

Shaggy's face paled. "Like, what are you saying?"

Velma sighed, tears filling her eyes. "I'm saying we're done, Norville. For good this time."

Shaggy stood stock still, in shock as she stood up, walking to the door. She paused, a hand on the knob. 

"Goodbye, Norville. Have a good life."

And with that, she walked out, the door slamming shut behind her.

One month later...

"Ugh, I feel horrible," the young adult complained to her mother. 

Angie Dinkley turned for where she had been putting together a new attraction, focusing on her daughter.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Velma sighed. "I keep throwing up, and I feel super nauseous. My head feels like it's full of rocks! And the worst part is that I keep putting on weight."

Angie's face softened, trying to hide an all-knowing smile. "Maybe we should take you to the doctor, you look quite pale."

Velma sulked. "Only if we can get something from the Clam Cabin on the way."

And with that, Angie's suspicions were confirmed. Saying nothing, she wiped her sticky hands on a towel, grabbing the car keys and heading out. Velma followed after her, walking far slower than normal.

"Velma dear, why don't you sit in the passenger seat. I'll drive."

There was no protest from the tired girl, who fell asleep as her mother drove through the small town, stopping at the Clam Cabin to grab some "Clam-cakes" for her daughter.

At the hospital...

A doctor with a kind face and silly glasses sat in a swivel chair, facing the girl and her mother who were seated on the examination bed. "What seems to be the problem, miss..?"

"Velma, Velma Dinkley."

"Miss Velma."

"I've been experiencing some strange symptoms for a few weeks now, and They only seem to be getting worse," Velma stated, mouth half full of the nauseating mixture of raw clams and pancake batter.

"What type of symptoms?" The doctor, whos name was Allen, asked the young woman.

"Headaches, nausea, chills, abdominal cramping, fatigue, breathlessness, and frequent urination. Worst of all, I feel like I can't control my emotions!"

Doctor Allen looked at the girl's mother, who winked at him.

"Miss Velma, are you sexually active?"

She blinked a few times. "Not since last month."

"Did you use protection?"

"Yeah, he wore a condom and I was on the pill."

"When did you last take birth control?"

"About a day or so before we last had intercourse."

"And when was your last period?"

At that, Velma paused. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly.

"About two months ago."

Allen nodded, writing everything down.

"I'm going to need to call a specialist to take a urine sample."

She balked. "I'm not... I can't..."

He smiled softly. "Just a precaution."

A few minutes later, an attractive young woman came in with the sample. 

"Greetings, Miss Velma. I'm doctor Bentz, and I'll be conducting an examination. Could you please lay back?"

The young woman nodded, laying down on the hard surface. The blonde doctor got a bit of hand sanitizer, rubbing it on her hands before pulling on gloves.

"Is it alright if I touch your stomach?"


The doctor conducted the examination, pausing to ask questions. At the end, she held up a small slip of paper and the urine sample.

"Pink means pregnant. Blue means not pregnant."

Velma and her mother held their breath as the woman swirled the strip in the cup, before pulling it out to show them.

"Congratulations, Miss Dinkley."

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