
The way to our destination was weird, to say the least. In the middle of our journey, some people dressed in black with everything covered except for their eyes picked us up and made us wear earplugs and blindfolds. They were supposed to “carry” us all the way to their headquarters, changing what they call “kakushis” every time we reached a certain point. And with every stopping point we took, came the chance for me to check on Mui. I’d tell Amane-san if we could change his dressings once in a while, and I’d ask her for updates on his condition whenever I could.

It took us a not so long time to arrive, but it felt painfully slow to me. For every passing minute, we didn’t know for sure if he’s worsening or getting better. Although, I hoped for the latter. The moment we set foot in the mansion-big house, Muichiro was swamped with medicines and a bunch of people, doctors that checked up on him. I felt relieved that he was finally taken care of. I just stood there on one corner of the room watching him get treated and after a long series of needles and bandages, I was left alone with Mui.

I slowly approached where he laid. I took my time staring at his wounds, then his closed eyes, and his… undefined expression whilst he slept. Just then I released a long sigh that I might have been holding in for a very long time. I looked back on today’s events and how crazy that a lot could happen within just a day. I was so excited for today just a few hours ago, and now I’m here far away from home, with my best friend not waking up.

“I was going to give you something I cooked, and we should be playing together, and I was supposed to make it up to you,” I whispered and a lone tear fell from my eye. Suddenly, I remembered my mother.

I should write mom a letter.

I stood up from where I was and went outside the room. I looked for Amane-san or one of the two girls she was with. I went around the house for a while when I reached the hallway leading to the veranda where a meeting of some sort was being held. I stopped and moved quietly to peek but a tap from the back scared me. Good thing I managed to put my hands over my mouth to not scream. It was a boy who looked similar to Amane-san that looked much younger than me who tapped me.

“Hello. I’m Kiriya. Please don’t disturb the hashira meeting. What do you need? I’ll tend to it,” he spoke. I felt embarrassed being catched while snooping around a house that isn’t mine.

“Uh, if it’s not too much can I have some paper and pen please? I really need to send my mom a letter…” I pleaded to which he nodded and gestured to me to follow him. We reached a certain hallway and he told me to come inside what looked like a mini library, must be one of their study rooms.

“Please take a seat. I will fetch a paper for you,” Kiriya said and he fled on the other side of the room where a stack of books were located. He gave me enough essentials to write a letter with and I started scribbling right away. When I finished, I wondered how I would send this to mom? I have no penny to send this through postmen, but Kiriya spoke and told me not to worry.

“Don’t worry, Makoto-san. We have kaigaku crows that are trained to deliver and receive messages. I can ask mine to give your letter to whoever you will send that to. If you want, that is…” he offered. Thank god for this kid, I thought.

“Ah, yes please. Thank you for your help, Kiriya-sama. The address is written on the bottom side of the letter.” I told him as I handed him the letter. Everything was going smoothly until I realized he knew my name. I never told him that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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