Start from the beginning

Athena knew she had to head down to breakfast soon, but she dreaded starting the day. She knew it was going to be long and tiring. But she dragged herself away from her window and towards her wardrobe. It was identical to the one in Paul's room. Paul, her best friend and protector. She found so much comfort in Paul's presence and steady self. Her duke. 

Athena shook her head, trying to focus. It was a big day. She yanked on some loose pants and a long shirt before opening her door and walking out. She looked at Paul's door, but somehow knew he had already walked these halls to breakfast, so she left walking briskly. 

Athena knocked lightly on the dining room door before opening it and walking into uncomfortable and awkward silence. She smiled lightly at Lady Jessica, who smiled back, before walking over to Paul and kissing him on his forehead. 

"Good morning," She said, taking a seat next to Paul and looking at the selection of food. 

"Hello," Paul's mind was already clear of today's worries. Athena always had that effect on him. When she walked into a room, suddenly that was all Paul could focus on. Of course, she was always on his mind, but her presence erased all other thoughts. 

Lady Jessica started to pour glasses of water for the couple, handing Athena's to her, before setting Paul's in front of her. Paul started to reach for it, before making eye contact with his mother and sighing. Athena smiled lightly behind her glass and elected to stay silent. 

"I just woke up. Can I please-?" He frowned. 

Lady Jessica smiled lightly, "If you want it, make me give it to you. Use the Voice."

Another heavy sigh escaped Paul as he stares at the glass in frustration. He shrugged lightly before deciding to give in. 

"Give me the water." He said, almost mockingly at this point. Lady Jessica gave him a blank look and Athena snickers lightly. Paul, hearing the chuckle, looked over at his beloved and smiled lightly. Lady Jessica coughed a little to grab Paul's attention and he looked over, disgruntled. 

"Give me the water." He tried again, more intently, before shrugging. Lady Jessica sighed. 

"The glass can't hear you. Command me." 

Paul looked up at his mother and closed his eyes. The faster he gets this the quicker it can be over. 

"Give Me The Water." 

The words rippled through the air, heavy and demanding. Paul's voice reverbed around the room, a thousand little whispers. Athena shivered lightly, but her body and mind make no move to grab the water. She is unaffected. 

The same cannot be said for Lady Jessica. Her hand started to reach for the water, despite her mind screaming at her to stop. She picked it up and started to move it towards Paul, before she stops herself and sits it back on the table. 


"Almost?" Paul reached across the table and grabbed the water. "Better than anyone else has ever done." 

"Better than any man has every done." Lady Jessica stressed, making brief eye contact with Athena. Athena smiled lightly before grabbing Paul's hand soothingly. Paul smiled before eating more food. 

"You both look tired. More dreams?" Lady Jessica cut delicately into her own food, in contrast to Paul's shoveling. 

"No." Athena said calmly, letting go of Paul's hand, much to his disappointment, before buttering a slice of bread. 

"No." Paul said, a second later, and too late. Lady Jessica frowned, acknowledging the lie. 

"Extreme temperatures and treacherous weather events make life outside the cities of Arrakis truly hostile." A robotic voice rang around the bedroom. Paul was laying on Athena's lap while she read a book about Arrakis. They were both studying, Arrakis would be whole new and different planet and having prior knowledge would help them adjust. 

Athena gently ran her hands through Paul's hair, causing his eyelids to feel incredibly heavy. He was trying to focus, but he was so comfortable and warm. Athena chuckled lightly when she saw his eyes threatening to close. Paul smiled in response to her laugh, a warm feeling in his chest. He hoped every day could be like this. 

"With sandstorms powerful enough to cut through metal, only the native tribes known as the Freman have adapted well enough to survive." The robotic voice snapped the couple from their trance. 

"The Freman are such an interesting people." Athena mused, putting her book on the floor. Paul nodded absentmindedly, pulling her now free hand to his face in order to place careful kisses on it. Athena immediately blushed and Paul smirked. 

"They are." Paul agreed, closing his eyes again. 

"Preferring to inhabit the remotest regions of Arrakis, the Freman share the deepest desert with giant sandworts, known to the Freman as Shai-Hulad..." The voice droned on and on and the couple relaxed in each other's presence. 



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