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"Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect."

"I'm glad you agree."

Paul Atreides jerked awake, panting and sweating. He yanked off the covers and swung his legs over the side of his bed. It was the same dream, the one of sand and fighting, of soldiers and two women. He know knew, or at least thought that the sand meant Arrakis. Arrakis, a the only planet that contains spice, needed for space travel. Whoever controlled the spice, controlled the universe. And now House Atreides did. 

Paul looked up at the small door that was in his bedroom. It led to the only person who fully understood him, Athena Axton. Athena was his rock, his comfort. All he wanted to do was run to her and lay in her arms. He shook his head and stood. He didn't want to bother her. It was an hour before they had to officially wake up anyways. Today was the day. There were only two weeks until he had to say goodbye to his homeworld and travel to Arrakis. Needless to say, Paul was conflicted. 

Paul took a deep breath and walked towards his wardrobe. It was still a little early to go to breakfast, but there was no harm in being a little early. Paul always ate lunch with his mother, Lady Jessica, and his fiancee, Athena. His father, Duke Leto, always woke up earlier and was too busy to eat breakfast with them, especially because of the official ceremony happening today and logistics surrounding Arrakis. 

Paul pulled a loose shirt over his head and proceeded to run his hands through his hair in an attempt to calm it down. He eventually gave up and started the long trek to one of the smaller dining rooms. Normally he would wait for Athena and they would walk together, but it was far too early for that and Athena would be mad at him for waking her up. He would see her soon. 

He walked into the dining room to see his mother already there, looking out the window wistfully. Paul knew his mother was going to miss Caladan dearly. However, she had this itchiness for Arrakis that he couldn't understand for the life of him. 

"Hello, Mother." Paul said, pulling out a chair and sitting himself down. His mother looks away, choosing instead to stare at her son. 

"It's good you're up early. Your  father wants you in full dress before the Emperor's Herald arrives." She said in return. No good morning, no hello, but Paul is used to this and is no longer offended. 

"Full dress. Military?" He asked starting to place food on his plate. 

"Ceremonial." His mother smiled, knowing he'd much rather be in his military uniform. Paul slumps a little in his seat in disappointment. 

They sit in silence for a little before Lady Jessica asked, 

"Where is Athena?"

Athena Axton stared out of the small window in her bedroom, looking out on the turbulent sea. It was a cloudy day, which seemed appropriate. It was the day that Arrakis would be officially House Atreides'. The ceremony seemed unnecessary to Athena, but she didn't have any say in the matter. She knew Paul didn't like ceremonial wear and would much prefer his military uniform. Athena didn't much care for professional clothes at all. 

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