Soul hesitated before stepping inside. He knew he shouldn’t, but he also didn’t really have much of a choice at the moment. Soul followed after the man into the house, taking his first real breath of fresh air in months. The man led him into the living room, where there was a single couch placed right next to the window. The room itself was cosy, filled with bookshelves and pictures of families and people holding hands, smiling. There were no signs of wariness or hostility from the man. All Soul received was a friendly smile. The man sat on the couch and motioned for Soul to sit next to him. Soul obliged and sat down. For the rest of the day, they sat there in silence, talking about things other than death and souls. They exchanged their names, where they were from, and the fact that Soul was now a dead soul. Neither of them talked too much about personal stuff, but Soul found himself liking the man a lot.
"What happened to you?" the man asked, looking a bit worried. Soul shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck nervously,
"I don't know…" He replied sadly, "I've always been dead."
"Oh." The man sounded shocked, and Soul couldn't blame him. Soul never explained what happened or why he died mainly because he didn't remember how it happened, but this was the first time anyone had asked him that question. Usually, everyone would assume that because he didn't know how he died, that it must be bad. Soul didn't want to lie and said it was probably something very bad and that he was lucky to even be alive, let alone in the afterlife.
"You're lucky to still be here then," The man commented.
"That means your soul will be able to move on soon, so you can go home" Soul looked up at the man surprised by that statement, but nodded and thanked him for caring.
"My name is Shota Aizawa," he introduced, offering Soul a handshake,
"How about you?" Soul shook Shota's hand and introduced himself as well.
"Call me Soul!" Shota smiled a little more,
"Well Soul, it looks like you need some clothes, I can take you shopping tomorrow morning to pick something out. You seem to have lost most of what you owned when you died and that isn't healthy" Soul didn' t respond, he felt like a kid again, getting picked on by adults for not having any clothes. Shota didn' t say anything else and just stood up and stretched.

He started walking towards the stairs and called back to Soul.
"Go wash up okay. And I'm guessing you haven't eaten today either." Soul nodded and walked upstairs. He didn't want to tell Shota that he was not able to eat anything anymore.

Soul ran his fingers through his messy black hair and decided it would be best if he washed up, then brushed his teeth and changed his shirt.

When he arrived downstairs again, Shota was standing at the doorway, waiting for Soul. Soul walked towards him and grabbed his arm.
"Are we leaving now, Soul?" Shota asked concerned, looking at Soul with concern in his eyes. Soul nodded and gave Shota a quick kiss before they both headed outside. Shota followed quickly behind Soul, stunned of what just happened,  and wondering how Soul could kiss him while he was dead.

The Accident AIZAWA X MALE OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora