Chapter 39 | Adamant Oath

Start from the beginning

"Liz admitted it earlier to us," Jim started, but Toby interrupted. "Correction. By us, he only means me.  Jim here knew about it longer than me but didn't bother to tell me his best friend, who normally tells me everything."

Toby finished with a glare at Jim. Before Jim could defend himself, a painful groan was suddenly heard, drawing everyone's eyes to the injured girl. Jim instantly pulled close to her bedside, grabbing onto her clammy hand. "Hang on, Lizzie. You'll be okay."

Unbeknownst to Jim, the Amulet of Daylight flares within his pocket as its blue, misty tendrils reach for the unconscious girl, whose face slightly relaxes upon contact. Unlike the rest, this did not escape Vendel's attention.

"Well, there way." Everyone looked towards Vendel when he said it, but his gaze remained fixed on Jim. "And only the Trollhunter can do it. That is, if you are willing, Jim Lake Jr."

Without a second thought, Jim instantly nods.

"I'll do it. Whatever it takes."

Liz Walker 

Opening her eyes, Liz finds herself beneath a sky full of stars with the moon at its peak. Somewhere nearby, she can hear water splashing, reminding her of waterfalls. Sitting upwards, she takes in her surroundings. To her surprise, she was underground. Specifically inside a grotto spring with waterfalls plunging from the ledge above the opening into a shimmering pool enchantingly lit by crystals and gemstones of every color she could imagine growing from its stone walls. Where on Earth is she? Is she dreaming again?

From where she sat, a trail of stepping stones across the pond led to a stone platform with giant pillars of crystal rock protruding from the waters, encircling what looks like a statue at its center. Liz squinted, hoping to catch a clear glimpse of the statue's features from a distance. Still, it was indiscernible due to the shadows.

Wanting to get a closer look, she gets up from the mossy ground and walks forward toward the edge of the pond, only to find the distance expanding between herself and the pond the further she walks toward it. "What the –"

Then, Liz started running, trying to reach for the pond and the secrets that lay within. Still, her efforts were in vain as she drew even further from it as the multicolored lights of the gemstones began to fade, filling the grotto with darkness, leaving only a soft pillar of moonlight shining upon the statue, giving it an ethereal aura.

A soft voice met her ears just before she was pulled into darkness.

"Remember who you are. You are the.... and future... of....soul. Remember."

"Remember? Remember what? Wait a minute! Please–"

"Wait!" Liz shouted with a gasp, her eyes opening wide to the glow of the Heartstone, greeting her with its warm, familiar ambiance. She was inside Vendel's workshop. So she made it.

Upon moving, a sudden burning sensation sparks from her shoulder, making her hiss in pain. Looking down, she noticed that she was stripped of her sweater down to her dark grey camisole with white bandages wrapped around her shoulder area. However, she could see thin, spidery-like black and green veins spreading past the edge of the dressing.

"Liz! You're awake!" Toby's voice called out, drawing the girl's attention as he approached her with AAARRRGGHH at his side. However, there was no one else around but the two.

"Toby? AAARRRGGHH? What – ugh," Liz groaned as she pushed herself up from the stone worktable with her good arm biting back the pain despite the duo's protest. "Where is everyone?"

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