'Sup Bruh

153 8 9

[Alison logged on]

Alison: Yes! It's just me! I'm..... Wait.. What did I just say?

[Bill logged on]

Bill: Yes! It's just me! I'm.... Wait.. What did I just say?

Alison: ?

Bill: That is what you just said.

[Dipper logged on]

Alison: Are you Dipper Pines or

Dipper Gleeful?

Dipper: Gleeful?! What?!

Alison: That's good to know.

Bill: Fireball... What are you doing?

Alison: Don't you know? And damn it Bill, stop calling me that.

Dipper: Okay, what is going on?

[Dipper logged on]

Alison: Oh Damn.

Dipper: Huh? Did someone change their name?

Bill: Hahahaha. I know what she did.

Alison: Hey Dipper?

Dipper: Yes?

Dipper: What is it?

Alison: No.. The other Dipper. The one that first answered.

Dipper: Uhh.. Yeah?

Alison: please add your last name.

[Dipper has changed his name to DipperPines]

Alison: Now it'll be less confusing for me.

Dipper: Who is this faker and why shall it be less confusing?

DipperPines: Why is there someone else called Dipper in this chatroom?

Alison: And why has Bill gone silent?

Bill: Heh.. No reason, Fireball.


Alison: Okay so.. Ummm.. Dipper ( not Pines) I summoned you from an AU portal and so you're here with us.

Alison: ...

Bill: .....

DipperPines: Huh? So He's me but not me?

Dipper: What does this AU stand for?

Bill: Alternate Universe

Alison: Alternate Universe

Dipper: And who is this 'Bill'?

Bill: He doesn't know who I am?!

Alison: xD Lol

DipperPines: xD

Bill: Human, I am the most powerful dream demon!

DipperPines: But his weakness is synthesized music.

Bill: But I almost killed you all and I possessed your body.

Dipper: My dream Demon is USELESS

[Will logged on]


Will: When I'm sad? *sobs*

Bill: Oh come on! This demon is pathetic!

DipperPines: Other Dipper, do you wanna swap dream demons?

Alison: Wait is that safe?

Dipper: That would be useful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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