She cried out, "He was suffering. H-He didn't tell me anything. But I remember now. I remember my father talking about a boy. A beautiful boy with beautiful face. He said he will break him. He told me how he made sure he hurt him. Kabir, I knew everything. I know everything that happened to him and his family".

"That doesn't mean he can hurt you". Kabir was pissed, "You were a child who had never seen one day of the world. What were you supposed to do about stranger that your father was obsessed with? What could you do when you had no access to the world or any idea how you could get help for yourself much less for strangers".

"I could have ended him". She said harshly, "I could have made sure that he couldn't hurt his family by killing him".

Kabir shuts his eyes at her words and his eyes soften once he looks at her, "Sweetheart, you remember the day I brought you outside of that dungeon. Do you remember how scared you were of just sunlight? You didn't leave the room for months and always kept your binder close so no sunlight ever enter inside. Do you remember how weak your body was? How the lack of sunlight and good food affected you? You had to go through extensive experience in regards to your physical and mental health while exploring a different world. How could you have killed him? You were barely alive. It was a miracle as many doctors said".

She shakes her head, "You can't hurt him. You can't do anything to him, promise me".

Kabir shakes his head, "No".

"Please Kabir. I never asked much, this is what I am asking of you. Promise me that you will not hurt him in anyway. He doesn't deserve to suffer anymore because of all of this".

Kabir sighed, "You have to promise me something".


"You will leave me".

Her heart stopped, "No!".

"Yes. Either you leave him. Or I will make him suffer".

"Kabir, Please. I can't abandon him. I can't do that to him. He was so scared. He was so scared I would leave him like everyone else. I can't do that".

"It's your choice".

"Give me a day with him". She whispers as she could feel her heart ripping apart, "A day is all I ask".


"I will do as you say".

He was anxious. No, he was losing his mind. He couldn't sit still and he couldn't speak at all. All he could think about was where she was and what they were talking about. The other part of him, the child hidden in him was scared to death that he will be abandoned again. That she will leave and he will never see her again. That he was going to lose her.

He realized pretty quickly that his hatred was childish. His hatred was stupid just like him. Because now he fears the loss of her - that he knows he won't survive - the past doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter the suffering he had to go through. It doesn't matter that his grandparents always kept him in a room they had underground. Something they never shared with his mother and he couldn't share because he couldn't hurt his parents like that.

He heard a knock on his room before he could move the door opened. His wife stands on the other side clearly crying for hours. He didn't even hesitate and leap towards her wrapping his arms around her while apologizing.

She pulls back as she looks in his eyes. Now that she finally has courage and strength to look at him. She can see how she had affected him. She can't even imagine how hard it must be on him to look at the person who hurt his family. The person who is the reason for his bad childhood.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 2: In the Abyss (completed)Where stories live. Discover now